Chapter 9

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“Hey” I tell Killian once Henry goes to sleep.

“Whats wrong?” He says once he notices I’m spinning my engagement ring on my finger.

“My mom suggested something about our wedding” 

“What did she say?”

“She said that we should do it before I get really pregnant like the next few weeks”

“your mother thinks she cn plan a wedding in a few weeks” He asks.

“She says she can, and honestly i think she could” 

“Let’s do it” He says “I wanna get married” 

“Okay” I say

“Okay” He says back and then kisses me.

“We are really doing this?” He says.

“Yeah we really are” I say back.

“What about our little… friend” He says meaning the teenager that wants to kill us.

“We can handle it” I say. “Lets go to bed, Henrys got school and I’ve got work” 

“Alright” He says.


Emma: He said he wants to do it. I send a quick text to my mother the next morning telling her that Killian wants to get married soon, and that she should start planning. 

Mom: What are you doing August 17th? She sends back.

Emma: idk

Mom: Well you are getting now married that day.

Emma: I’m sure i can clear up my schedule. I slide my phone back in my pocket and turn to Killian who was reading an old file on the couch.

“My mom picked a date, Its in a month” I say.

“I’ll be there” He says and winks at me. Still to this day his winks make my stomach flutter.

“She’s going to go insane, but its going to be amazing” I say.

“I know” He says and his phone rings. “I will be right back” He says and  takes his call in the hallway.

“Your mother just called and wanted to know if we had any special requests for the wedding, we should meet her for lunch at Granny’s in 20 minutes”

“Oh my god, this might be a mistake letting her plan this” I say jokingly.

“I think its sweet she wants to be this involved” He says back.

“Just think about the entire day you will have to spend with my dad getting a suit, and picking out your best man and ushers.

“Awe crap he’s going to give me that overprotective dad speech he insists on giving everytime we are together.”

“Of course” I say and kiss him.

“Who are you going to ask to be your best man?” I ask him.

“Henry, and then Robin, maybe Whale and Thomas if you ask Ruby and Ashely”

“Yeah I will, Think Storybrooke sells  wedding dresses?” I ask him.

“Somebody made them before the curse so probably” He says.


“Swan, I found something” He says and hands me the file he was going through. I gave him the task of looking through old records to find a teenage girl who fit our description.

“Her names Maggie Kramer” He says.

“Last time these records were updated she was 5’4, 111 pounds, green eyes blonde hair, and right now she’s 16, her birthdays augest 17th”

“Maybe Henry knows her? They go to the same school” 

“I’ll ask, my mom probably taught her before the curse broke” I say.

“This finding people is easy” 

“It is when you are in the worlds smallest town, try find somebody up the entire east coast” 

“I guess thats a little harder.” He admits.

“Does it list an address?” I ask.


“Come on, Lets go talk to your mum and then we can keep looking” He says “But first I wanna kiss you” 

“Okay” I say and our lips meet in the middle for a slow passionate kiss.

“Lets go love” He says and grabs my hand and leads me out the door.




Sequel to Saving Killian, (Ouat Captain Swan Story)Where stories live. Discover now