week two

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{third person}

it was now monday morning and chou's thoughts were a mess. she felt as if everything she had experienced in the past week was just some weird illusion. she had suddenly become a second year in high school, a boys volleyball manager, and suna's friend with benefits/personal punching bag. the first week of school held too much excitement for her liking and she was terrified for the second.

chou had spent her sunday evening in despair. not only did she have to treat her cut lip but she wondered who the fuck suna thought he was messing with. in the moment chou was honestly a little scared and perhaps a little horny. however, after suna left she had time to reflect and collect her thoughts, and her thoughts led her to realizing suna needed a serious ass whooping. chou was not one to put up with others bullshit but she had made an exception for suna and that needed to be nipped in the bud. she realized suna's behavior was absolutely unacceptable and she would not be victim to his toxicity.

the realization that suna needed to be knocked into next week was not the only realization made however. 'why did i let suna do that at the party? why did i make the first move?' chou kept questioning herself over and over. no matter what reasoning she could think of none of them made sense. 'a crush? no, no. i don't like suna that way. do i want to have a no strings attached relationship? not after he about ripped my lip off.' she thought some more. every possibility continuously shot down by chou's consciousness over and over. but the possibility of maybe a tiny crush on suna kept popping up but there was noooo way chou actually liked this boy. right?


over on suna's side he was near having a panic attack. after suna had left chou's apartment on sunday he walked down the four flights of stairs, calm cool and collected. he hopped in his car and turned it on to plug his phone up to the aux. he picked a song and turned it up. turning it up as loud as it goes to cover his scream of regret. "WHAT THE FUCK?!" suna screamed to himself as he gripped the steering wheel. 'oh my god. oh my god.' suna thought to himself. what had he become? suna knew he was an asshole it was kind of his thing, honestly. but getting that angry? not a good look. and he knew it. he was especially panicked because he knew getting this angry over a girl could only mean one thing, he wanted her. wether it was fuck buddies or friends he couldn't tell. of course an actual relationship never even crossed his mind.

now present time, monday morning he sat on his bed staring to his window after a sleepless night. suna was extremely embarrassed of his behavior on sunday and was ready to die before he faced chou at school. suna was known to be a playboy but he still had some morals and not getting aggressive with girls outside of sex was one of them obviously. "ughhhh." suna sighed into his hands as he buried his face into them.
'what happened, happened. what happened, happened.' he kept thinking to himself. "ughhhh." he groaned once again. 'i really hope she hasn't already caught feelings.' he thought, thinking very highly of his attractiveness. "it already happened there's nothing i can do about it now." suna said aloud to himself, which was basically his personal motto since he loved not facing the consequences of his actions. 'i'm just going to go to school and pretend it didn't happen.' he thought to himself and stood up to get ready for school.


chou was tucking her shirt into her skirt in the mirror as she looked over her uniform. her eyes catching at the butterfly necklace she'd risked life and limb to steal back from suna. she had already done her hair and makeup, making sure to curl her hair and do a little extra makeup today to really make suna feel the pain when she confronted him. after chou's mental war between herself and her feelings she had decided she would say something to suna about his behavior. however, she decided to be the bigger person and keep it classy. she was going to pull him aside and tell him she does not like how he behaved but wants to put the past weekend behind them and still be friends. since all in all, suna had grown on chou through the first week of school, all of the volleyball boys had. and if she was going to be spending so much time with them she wanted to be on good terms with them. all of them, even suna. chou had even prepared a mental script of what she would say, being put together as always. she was not going to let this past weekend affect her going forward since her actions weren't to her sober liking. while chou didn't really regret anything she did, she wanted to put this behind her. she had her fun and now it was time to get back to business.

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