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{third person}

chou began to run as well, "YEAH YOU BETTER RUN." she yelled as she chased him down the hall.

chou believed suna was running in fear, which he was fearful... of the situation and being confronted that is. chou's 5'5 stature and fairly slow running we're nothing to be afraid of.

suna continued running down the hall, more like sprinting. bumping into people left and right with chou following behind.

'oh shit.' was all that suna could think. when he bumped into fellow students in the hall and when every glance back landed chou closer and closer on his trail. "god she is angryyyyy." suna whispered to himself with a chuckle as he turned to look forward once again, finally seeing the volleyball club room in his sight. 'almost there.' he thought as he picked up his pace.

"WHY DON'T YOU RUN LIKE THIS IN PRACTICE?!" chou screamed as she desperately tried to catch suna.
she was mad this morning, but she was absolutely fuming now. 'all he eats is trash and he never actually does conditioning in practice..' chou thought "HOW ARE YOU STILL THIS FAST?!" she yelled, letting herself think aloud to the entire hallway. 'WHERE ARE THE TEACHERS?!' she thought looking for anything that would stop suna at this point.

chou had finally almost caught suna at the end of the hallway. "HAHA!" she screamed as she reached out for the back of his shirt, knowing he had no where else to run. only to feel her fingers jam into the door of the club room as suna roughly slammed it behind him.

students in the hallways, who had watched the whole situation unfold loudly gasped as they watched the chase come to an end at the end of the hallway. at the door chou hadn't seen since the only thing she was truly seeing, was red.

chou stepped back from the door, immediately grabbing her fingers. "AHHHH! GODDAMMIT!" she yelled as she squeezed her pointer and middle finger while jumping around in a circle.

chou's scream caused suna to crack open the door. all he saw was chou jumping around holding her fingers and dirty looks from everyone in the hallway. 'why does bad shit keep happening.' suna thought as he fully opened the door. "hey chou, are you alright?" suna asked as he reached out for chou's arm.

as soon as chou felt suna's touch on her arm she harshly pulled back. "don't. touch. me." she said through gritted teeth. causing suna to pull his arm back in shock. no girl had ever spoken to suna that way, and he could not believe it. suna continued to stare at chou in absolute shock and a little heart break as she whipped around and began walking toward the front office.

"hey, chou. i'm sorry. wait." suna said as he started walking after her. but was he really sorry, or were the looks from the other students in the hallway just hurting his ego?

"NOPE! you're done. you're not worth the aggravation!" chou said as she threw her clasped hands into the air as she continued to walk.

'annnnd i fucked up.' suna thought as he continued to walk behind chou. feeling pretty shitty since he had hurt her. again. but he was determined to make it right. since chou was his manager, sometimes friend, and a girl he was unknowingly developing a soft spot for.

"god i'm gonna kill him. UGH. so fucking anGr-AH!" chou was grumbling until she felt her feet leave the ground and her head flew back. she looked to her left to see the culprit, none other than suna holding her bridal style as he continued walking toward the office.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 19, 2021 ⏰

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