Chapter 12

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You were sitting on your bed as you eat breakfast on your tray

You just eat until a knock was on the door and you put your veil on so your face is covered

"Come in." You say as you continue eating under your veil

"Ah princess your father was wanting to know if your awake, once your done eating get dressed and go see him." The maid says and you nod as you just finish eating breakfast and then call a maid to help you get dressed

Once you got dressed you went to find your father where ever he could be

You found him and sat beside him and he hugged you and you hugged him back

"Anyways let's go somewhere no one can see you." He says and you nod and when your dad locked the door behind him you uncovered your face and talked with him

Your dad took time off this morning to just spend the day with you, just talk with you, and you were happy so happy to spend time with him, when you were a kid you'd do everything to get his attention

From falling off something, purposely forgetting your veil

Doing anything to gain your father's attention

You'd do anything for him to just give you attention it was all you wanted as a kid, he tried his best to make sure he could give you attention but he's busy and couldn't always do that

"So y/n how's your friend, what's his name." Your dad says and you chuckle he really forgot?

"Lee." You say and your dad nods

"Yes he has that scar on his face." Your dad says and you nod yeah he does, just you never asked about it because maybe it's a touchy subject

"Yes." You say as you just talk to your father as he talks about how the kidnapping attempts are getting worse and worse, which isn't good you may have to leave the earth kingdom won't you? He's gonna make you leave isn't he? To make sure your protected *I honestly don't wanna leave my father, ever since I was little I wouldn't wanna be away from him, I was a clingy kid and couldn't handle being away from him, and I still don't like being away from him but that's mostly because of how much worse the kidnapping attempts are getting, and I just feel safer if my father is close by knowing they wouldn't dare to try and kidnap me as long as my dad is around*

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