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who the fuck does he think he is? i specifically told all the guys to back off cecilia, the stupid bitch that she is.

she's not worth it, she's a whore who acts all innocent and cute with her annoying ass smile that's stuck on her. she thinks she's all top shit now. now she's going to think that all guys are in love with her.

she's loving the attention right now, i know it. it's not going to last long, he is going to ghost her and if he doesn't, there will be issues and i don't give a fuck if they're friends. they're probably fucking every day in her perfect little home with her dad who loves her and gives her everything she wants.

yes, her mom died but her dad is just as good to her.

she can cry all she wants.

an invisible light bulb comes on top of my head as i have an idea to ruin cecilia's life even more as i stare at her dead in the eyes.

she acts like she doesn't see me but i know she does. i know she so badly wants to punch me in the face until i bleed out dry. i know she wants to cut my dick off and feed it to me. i know she wants to do all this yet she does what makes me even more crazy about her. she smiles. her fucking annoying smile. it's there, it's always there.


it's the end of school and this fucking annoying ass slut, ashley has been clinging to me all day. i fucking hate clingers. "want to go prom with me?" i suddenly say as i walk to my car.

her eyes light up and jumps around. "yes, yes, yes!" she squeals like a whiny ass child. "oh my goodness  sammy i've been waiting for you to ask me that!"

i force a smile. "okay, now fuck off."

it's harsh but i've had a bad day. when someone doesn't listen to my orders, i do things without thinking. i have anger issues, i know, but i think of it as a gift.

"bye baby!" she waves as i enter my car. before i start my car i go on my phone and message josh.

listen here buddy you're going to
call off whatever you have with cecilia.
from brother to brother, she's not worth
it. if you don't listen there is going to
be issues. that show that you pulled in the
cafeteria, cringe as fuck, maybe it was cute
to you and that little whore but i wanted to
vomit the whole time. got it?

i'm a douche.

oh well.

i start my car and drive home.


"i'm home." i call as i put my keys on the kitchen counter. my mom is making dinner while my two younger siblings, emmy who is 13 and nate who is 6 are in the living room blasting high school musical on the tv.

"hey baby." my mom greets as she pulls me in a hug and kisses my forehead. "how was school?"

"same as every day." i answer opening the fridge. "where's dad?"

"still at work." she comments. "he's working a night shift... again."

i nod. i barely see my dad anymore, he's always working night shifts and whenever anyone asks him he starts yelling like we asked if we can burn the house down. it's always i'm the one providing for this family, if you have a problem, you can leave. so we don't question him anymore.

it's true though, he is the one providing and making the money and he is working as much as he can.

a knock appears at the door and i open it and me and my mom look to see who it is. it's dads assistant. "hey mrs. o'connell."

my mom smiles. "what's up, sweetheart?"

dads assistant is hot. she's in her early 20s, long legs, blonde long hair, brown eyes and is always wearing red lipstick.

"mr. o'connell wanted me to drop these papers off, he also wants me to tell you guys that he needs a suitcase packed, he's going away on a 3-day business trip." she explains.

this will be his seventh business trip ever since he started his company 5 years ago. my mom looks disappointed but not surprised. "anything else?"

dads assistant shakes her head and waves goodbye to us.

i'm about to go upstairs but then i get a text message from josh.

she's not a whore. i'm not scared
of you. don't ever threaten me
again. got it?

don't say i didn't warn you.

woah i'm so scared 😐

this is war. i have a great idea and i think i'm going to start on that great idea right now.

i send a message to the bitchiest girl in the school that i've hooked up with once. once you've told her something there's no going back. the whole school will find out whatever you told her in less than a day.

i go to my room and message her. i'm coming over.


"it's true." i explain while we are making out on her bed.

"so you're telling me," she repeats in between kisses as i send kisses on her neck. "that josh levi got cecilia adams pregnant?"


"and you know this how?" she asks as she moans a little.

"i have my ways." i say. "stop with the questions and ride me."

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