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[a/n, hey guys, i'd really appreciate it if u followed. you don't have to i promise i really don't mind but it helps me out a bunch! anyways enjoy this chapter <3]

[TW!!! this chapter contains pretty gory things with high contents of imagery, mentions of death and incest rape.]


i can see in her eyes that right now she's depending on me.

the second that bastard cunt said he's her uncle he thought he got away with it. i remember cecilia mentioning really muffled this morning her uncle. it was small, but it was enough.

i ran to my car and the second that bastard cunt drove out the school, i followed far behind.

he's been driving for 30 minutes until he stops at a cliff sight. it's kind of a tourist attraction, it looks very familiar.

i park my car and take a closer look.


me, cecilia, and our families would go here every weekend and have a picnic. me and cecilia would go and play while emmy was still so little she couldn't walk, our dads would have a comversation and our moms would have a conversation and then later on we would have lunch and go out for ice cream.

i remember it so vividly. why is he taking her here?

i wait in my car and watch watch, she turns around, i'm guessing he told her to not look and then he places a blanket then he tells her to sit. it's mostly him talking, she just looks scared. i would be concerned even more if she wasn't scared.

i don't know when to go.

when to go and save her.

he then lifts up the blanket and she shifts a little to see what to look at. i can't quiet see what they're looking at but it must be bad because cecilia looks horrified and then she punches him in the jaw. he grows angry and then grabs her neck and pins her harshly to the floor.

okay now that is my cue.

i storm out of my car and run up to them. i shove him off her and push him so he is on the floor and punch him continuously until he's bleeding. i punch his whole face and until that's all blood, i move to his abdomen, and then i move to his hands and bend his right thumb as back as i can until it dislocates. he's yelling in pain. good. that's what i like to hear.

he's officially knocked out. i can't stop.

"samuel stop it. let's just go." cecilia tells me.

i don't stop.

i can't stop.

i can't control myself.

"samuel. stop it." she warns. she grabs my face lightly and looks at me. she smiles. "let's get out of here."

at that moment, i knew she trusted me. at that moment, i knew that she even though i've been a dick to her, she forgave me. she didn't need to say anything for me to know it. i could read her like a book.

so i stop. i cup her cheeks in my hands. "i won't let anyone touch you like that again."

i grab her hand and before we leave i tell him. "look at her again, and you won't see the light of the sun ever again."

bastard cunt.

we walk to the car and i open the door for her. i enter my side and take a deep breath before i start the car.

it's silent, but not in an uncomfortable way. it's just silent.

i look at her. she doesn't seem scared to be in my presence, i don't know why but that relaxes me.

"what did he show you?" i ask.

she ignores me. "thanks for coming."

"cecilia?" i say. "what did he show you?"

"i'm hungry, can we stop by caffeine and co and get lunch?"

"yes we can, but tell me what he showed you before i go and check myself."

she stays silent.

"my mother's blood." she then admits. "her blood is stained there."


i'm confused. she shakes her head lightly. "this is where he murdered my mother."



she continues. "i was only 10, i didn't have an opinion or a say. he murdered my mother infront of me. in front of a 10 year old little girl."

her trauma doesn't stop. every time i think that her pain is fixable, it just keeps adding. i curse under my breath as i can't contain any of it.

"all because she wouldn't have sex with him. her half brother. so he grabbed the back of her head and smashed her face in that exact spot continuously so that her skull completely shattered." she explained. she wasn't crying but she was in pain. i could hear it. "i was 10 so when i tried to say something to the police, they just thought i was grieving."

she paused for a second and then continued.

"he found a way to get rid of all the evidence, her body, fingerprints, everything. my mothers body was nowhere to be seen at her funeral. her grave is empty. he showed up to her funeral like he wasn't the cause of it, then disappeared. my father mentally disappeared, my mother disappeared, my whole family disappeared... you disappeared." she says. "he brings me here every year and rubs it in my face that he got away with it and it will end with him getting away with it. always have, always will."

i'm speechless. my eyes tear up and i quickly wipe my eyes. she smiles.

"aww sammy don't cry." she comforts and rubs my hand. "it's over it's okay, i'm pretty sure you scared the cunt to death."

i smile softly and admire her.

how can someone so perfect exist?

"what can i do?" i ask. "what can i do for you to be happy?"

her face warms up and now she's crying. "just don't leave me. it sounds stupid but you're the only person who's made me feel genuine happiness over the past couple weeks."

i shake my head. "i won't leave ever."

i cup her face and wipe her tears. i don't dare to kiss her even though i want to.

"i've never told anyone that story you know." she tells me. "anyways, let's eat."

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