29 [PART 3]

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"samuel, before you go in," i start and he stops what he's about to do and looks at me, "don't take your time. we can't risk you getting caught."

he smirks. "why would you care?"

i roll my eyes, "stop playing games. this is serious."

"i am serious. why would you care?"

"samuel." i warn. "i care about the stress it'll bring to your mom when you get caught and arrested!"

he smirks again. "fair enough."

i peak in the door window and see josh is in a private room. there's no one there, it's just him slightly conscious.

he slowly turns the handle to open it and once he sees me trying to enter he stops. "you're staying out here."

"what?! no. that's ridiculous. i wanna strangle him too, don't be selfish."

he chuckles lightly. "i need you to be the lookout."

now that i think about it, we sound stupid.

"fuck that..." i mutter. "hurry!"

he shakes his head and opens the door. we both enter and he closes the door.

josh turns his gaze to the door where we are standing still. he smiles and waves. "hey guys! thanks for visiting me, my family for some reason didn't wanna visit me and i just feel really appreciative that you guys-"

he's immediately cut off by samuels fist planted on his face. there's not a specific place where he punches, he just starts continuously punching.

"fuck!- ow- samuel- " josh cries out in pain,"fucking cunt- cece! help me!-"

i then laugh as he calls my name for help.

"shut the fuck up!" samuel warns deeply as he grabs the collar of his shirt and pulls him up to meet his laser eyes. "do you know what you've done?!"

josh then smirks. "y'know i didn't know it would take a car accident for you bimbos to realise that i've been fucking your sister."

josh laughs and then samuel slams his head on the bed frame harshly. he repeats this until josh is barely conscious.

"samuel stop." i say and surprising me, he stops and looks at me. he walks away from him as i walk closer to josh. "you're a fucking dog you know that?!"

josh coughs in pain.

i grab the collar of his shirt and pull him close to me mirroring whatever samuel did... but not slamming his head on the bed frame.

"you know i really did think you were my friend." i scoff, i place my hands on his neck and slam him down harshly on the bed and he moans out in pain. "but you're just a child. fucking. piece of shit."

i sight the perfect weapon just inches from me starting right at me; a fork. i instinctively grab a tissue, wrap it around the fork to avoid fingerprints
and stab it in his arm and he yells out in pain. i widen my eyes, surprised and shocked at what i've just done. i look at samuel who looks impressed but also surprised.

"HEY! WHO's IN THERE?!" we hear a muffled voice yell out.

me and samuel look at each other shocked, not knowing what to do. samuel quickly grabs my hand, opens the door and we run hand-in-hand down the hall.

it all feels like it's in slow motion. it feels unreal. i've never really hurt anyone before. i'd never hurt someone unless i have a valid reason. i should've killed the cunt.

i hear someone running after us. the hall feels like it's never ending.

"HEY?! YOU KIDS GET BACK HERE!" he yells and we enter the doors to the back of the hospital and we leave.

i'm guessing the security guard gives up as me and samuel take a minute to catch out breaths. we are still holding hands which is... weird, but neither of us are letting go.

while trying to breath again, well... while i try to breathe again, we look at each other and start hysterically laughing our heads off.

"never- in my life," i attempt to word while trying to contain my laughter, "did i think i would ever stab someone."

he laughs with me and then the energy stops as we both realise we are STILL holding hands. we both let go awkwardly.

"so what do we do now?" i ask.

"we'll go get dinner or something. mom would've sent us home anyway." he explains cracking his knuckles which i'm guessing are bruising up as we speak. "but we have to get nate. he has to go home too."

i'm worried, for me, samuel, emmy, nate and tate. ooo that rhymes. stop.

"i'll get my mom to bring him out." he reassures me.

i nod and smile. we walk to the front of the hospital where all the cars are.


he looks at me. "mmm?"

"this might sound really psychotic but... i had fun." i tell him truthfully. i didn't quite like the hurting people thing, i didn't find pleasure in that, i find the pleasure in the heart stopping and fearful activities which is so unlike me. i love the feeling of being out in situations where you'll get caught, it's reckless in a way.

he smiles and then smirks. "i had fun too. i feel better knowing he's in worse pain. anyways, the bastards in prison will fuck him up more."

wait, that's real?! i didn't know people actually beat up child groomers.


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