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"cece!" mariam calls as she walks up to me and glares at samuel. "he kidnapped you?!"

i laugh at her dramatic remark.

"yeah." i agree and wipe away a fake tear. "it was terrible."

i turn to samuel who is just smiling at me. when me and samuel walked in the hallways, people acted like it's the biggest news they've heard. fucking morons.

do they have a life or sum? why do they care what everyone does. i know for a fact that i don't give a fuck if jessica morgan from spanish changes her boyfriend like she changes her underwear.

do whatever the fuck you want i don't give a shit to be honest. me and my friends just laugh at people, that's the most we do and people act as if we just killed their grandma.

samuel left his friends this morning to stay with me. i feel like he hesitated it a bit and i won't be upset if he didnt stay with me. this is just as new to me as it is to him.

"i'll see you guys in a sec." i tell mariam and she walks back to our group.

i turn to samuel. "thank you."

he's not saying anything, just silently observing me, but not in a creep kind of way.

the look he's giving me makes me feel a type of way and i can't point my finger on it. i've never felt like this.

my tummy feels uneasy yet relaxing and i unintentionally nibble at my lip as i'm about to say something else but he says something before.

"fuck, cecilia."

"what's wrong?"

"don't- don't do that."

i give a confused facial expression. "i don't know what you're on about samuel."

"don't do that with your lips."


i stop. okay. that was weird.

"im gonna go." i tell him. "i'll see you after school?"

he nods and quickly walks away quickly.

fucking weirdo.


[mini a/n, sorry to interrupt ur reading but i just wanna point out that i'm not gonna write ab the school day unless something interesting happens. u guys don't care if cecilia has english first period and then math and then history and so on. anyways, continue reading x]


i walk out of the school with josh. he's holding my books but it's casual yaknow.

we walk out and hang out by his car.

"i can't wait for prom!" i emphasise smiling.

"same." he agrees. "wanna go out on saturday for one last try on?"

before i can agree samuel comes and answers for me.

"she can't."

"i'm not talking to you now am i sammy boy?" josh snaps back.

i like how josh isn't scared of him.

"she. can't. come." he finalises and looks at me who is confused. he suddenly looks disappointed and answers to the face i give him. "me and you are going to the park on saturday."


i feel so bad.

he looked so sad.

"oh yeah!" i remember and then look at josh. "im going out with samuel on saturday."

josh chuckles. "the park?"

"yea the fuck the park. you got a problem joshy boy?" samuel says. "cmon cecilia, let's go."

he snatches my books from joshes grib and walks away. i give josh an apologetic smile and wave goodbye and follow samuel to his car.

the car ride to his house so far is awkward. he looks like he's fighting back saying something every second that goes past.

"what." i suddenly say.

he doesn't answer and tightens the grip on the wheel.

"for fuck sake samuel. what is wrong with you?"

he parks to the side of the road and clenches his fists.

"what is up your ass?!" i snap at him.

he still doesn't say anything but clenches his jaw.

i scoff. "if my presence is making you this way i have other places to go-"

he interrupts me, "no."

"no what samuel?! use your words."

"don't fuck with me!" he says.

i scoff again and then laugh. "you're a child."

"me?! i'm the child?!"

"yeah you. who else would i be talking about?"


"what have i done that's childish?!"

he stops and lets out a deep breath. he takes a few more breaths and then does something i never thought he would ever do to me.

he grabs my jaw and pulls it towards him and clashes our lips together.


i feel like my heart burst. the feeling of a kiss i never knew i needed until now overcomes me. i can't get enough.

our lips move in sinc aggressively and eager.

i don't know what i feel but right now i feel like i need this more than i need air.

"cece." he lightly moans in between kisses.



every individual calls me cece yet why does it feel so special coming from him? from the one person who treats me like i deserve so little in life. or treated me.

i smile. i genuinely smile. that's all i can muster before he hesitantly pulls us apart.

we return back to normal and take many deep breaths. a few minutes of heavy breathing goes by until he starts the car and drives back to his house.

something tells me that this will happen again.

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