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"uhh, wake me up if you need anything." i say extremely fast hoping she doesn't hear me.

i turn my gaze to her as she's under the covers but not asleep as i see her smile. fucking perfect.

"samuel." she says softly as i get under the covers in another bed.


"promise me you won't pick on anyone."

i stay silent for a second which felt like hours. "i promise."

"thank you," she says, "and promise on behalf of your friends too."

"cecilia, i'm not the boss of them."

"yeah you are. promise me samuel."

i pause for a second again. i can't control my friends!


yes i can.

"i promise." i tell her softly.


"cecilia." i whisper waking her up by shaking her a little, "you gotta wake up for school."

she looks perfect even when she's sleeping. i continue shaking her a little and she quickly wakes up and sits up straight as she flinches and shuts her eyes closed. "i'm up, dad. i'm up!"


"cecilia, it's me." i whisper softly to her as she slowly opens her eyes and sees its me. she relaxes and holds her heart.

"you scared me." she says raspily and laughs a little. i can tell she's nervous. "what will i wear? i need a change of clothes to go to school and after school. you have training and i have to be there for helping coach."

"uhh, i can give you my sisters clothes." i offer,

she shakes her head. "no, that's not fair for your sister."

"she doesn't mind."

"i won't fit in all her clothes. i only fit in her biker shorts because they're stretchable."

"cecilia, you're all skin and bone. anything will fit you."

she looks down at her fingers and looks almost sad. wait, she is sad. did i say something?

"what the fuck is wrong with you now?" i snap confused.

she rolls her eyes and stands up. "think before you say shit, samuel."

"the fuck did i say?!"

"you're all skin and bones." she mocks me as she attempts at making a deep voice.


"i don't sound like that." i defend myself as she gets up from the covers and neatly folds the blanket. she goes to my couch and folds my blanket too.

"uhh, yes you do." she tells me and we walk up to my room.

"no, i don't."

"yes, you do."

"the fuck, no i don't."

"it sounds exactly like you and you hate it. accept the fact that you sound like a 13 year old boy going through puberty."

"think before you say shit." i repeat her exact words.

we hear a small chuckle from across the hallway. emery comes out of her room and shakes her head.

"the fuck are you laughing at?!" i snap.

"nothing." she continues to laugh.

"what a match." we hear her mutter silently as she goes downstairs to the kitchen.

"em, pick an outfit for cecilia for your wardrobe!" i call out.

i open my door to my room for her and she walks in. "i'm going in the bathroom to get dressed." i tell her.

i get dressed in a plain, green hoodie and jeans. my hair is the same as it is every day, messy. my mom gets me in trouble because it apparently looks like a bush but whatever. it suits my face and anyway, i wear caps on my head. i get in trouble by mom as well because i wear them backwards and it looks unprofessional but whatever.

before i leave my ensuite i knock on the closed door to check if cecilia is dressed. i wouldn't want to intrude on her getting dressed. "are you dressed?"

"yeah." she answers. i walk out and she's wearing a white sweater cardigan and black ripped jeans. she makes the most basic outfits look good. she ties her hair in a low ponytail letting 2 strands of hair out at the front. "samuel?"

i break my daydream and return back to reality. "are you ready to go?"

she nods and smiles and avoids eye contact again.

"you can leave your stuff here and we can come back for them after school." i explain to her.

"your sister packed me a bag for practice today. she left another pair of biker shorts and a tshirt."


"and would i be an attention seeking slut if i wear that today?" she tells me repeating my words that i said to her last tuesday in the locker room. fuck. "would that make me a worthless whore?"

"cecilia, i didn't mean that." i truthfully tell her. "i just had so much anger in me that day."

"you still said it."

"i know and i really am sorry." i apologise. "for all of it. im sorry."

"yeah." she bluntly tells me. "we should go now."

she's upset. i've apologised? why is she still upset?

"what the fuck is wrong with you?" i snap.

she scoffs and walks out of my room. at this point it's just us in the house. before my mom went to work she dropped nate off at daycare and emery walked to her school. she exits the house and slams my front door aggressively.

i storm out following her. "what the fuck, cecilia?!"

she ignores me and continues storming off. "cecilia!"

at this point we are both walking at the same pace  on the sidewalk.

"look samuel, thank you for everything you've done last night i really appreciate it but i can't just forget the years of bullying you've done to me and the stress you've caused over the course of one night." she explains to me clearly wanting me to leave her alone. she keeps walking and i keep walking. "just leave me alone please, i'll come later to pick up my shit."

"cecilia!" i call out as she walks faster. i give up with catching up to her as i realise she's not stopping until i stop.

for fuck sake.

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