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i arrive home with a hard slap on my face. ow.

"WHERE THE FUCK WHERE YOU!?" he yells as he slams the door shut.

"i was at school, dad, remember? i had a thing i needed to do." i tell him quietly.


why is that my fault? i'll tell you why. they're bored because i'm normally home at this time so they can molest me. molesting younger people is their entertainment.

"i really was at school." i whisper. i'm not prepared for the beating i'm going to get. i never am. i never will.

he shakes his head out of disgust. he grabs the hem of my crew neck for grip and then with the other arm he plants a hard punch right in my eye.

"DAD!" i plead as i fall on the ground. "PLEASE!"

"no." he laughs, "you've done this to yourself. you ask for it basically."

he lays more punches on my abdomen and plants another punch on my face but this time my lip. how am i going to go to school tomorrow with a busted lip and a bruised eye? i'll just find a way to get past it with makeup or excuses.

"dad! you're hurting me!" i cry. "please, stop!"

he laughs and walks out the house. right now, i've been sitting on my kitchen floor with my arms around my legs and my head in my knees as i sob and cry out loud talking to myself.

*knock knock*

i quickly look up at my door. dad?

*knock knock*

no my dad doesn't knock that light. he doesn't even knock, he just bangs.

"coming." i say softly as i hide my face and cough as i try to normalise my voice.

i open the door slightly so my face is covered. "samuel?!"

"yeah, i got your phone." he tells me as he takes it out of his pocket.

"oh." i grab it from him and put it inside.

"is it okay if i come in?" he asks.

"no." i answer. "thanks i guess."

"cecilia?" his tone is filled with annoyance. "i want to apologise."

"okay, good for you. fuck off now." i tell him and slam my door closed.

if i hurt his feelings he can cry, he's ruined me. things at school will never be the same now.

i'm never smiling to anyone who doesn't respect me. they don't deserve it.

it's the least i can do for me.

authors note: small chapter i know, im sorry. x

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