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[TW!!! this chapter contains triggers such as sex trafficking.]


i don't know what she did.

or what he did.

i can't imagine it.

she's never called me, i don't even know how she has my number. i don't even have her contact saved. well, until now.

i heard really muffled sobs in the background but it was probably just her.

i go to the shed in the backyard and grab some pliers, sharp enough to break a motherfuckers bones.

i'm hoping i can break a motherfuckers bones.

as soon as i grab them i speed to her house.


i harshly knock on the front door.

"cecilia!" i call. i knock again. "cecilia, i'm here."

the door opens and there she is.

eyes puffed up, shivering like we are in a blizzard and anxious all over her. my face is filled with worry as i step in and close the door.

she avoids eye contact and then buries her face in her palms. "i'm sorry i called you, i just didn't know who else to call and i understand if you-" she rants but i interrupt her with placing both my hands on her shoulders and i bend down levelling our eyes.

"cecilia." i say, "what's wrong?"

she turns her gaze to the laundry and then to the pliers.

she leads me to the laundry which has another door in it, the door is opened and reveals stairs leading down.

we walk down the stairs and-





oh my god.

holy fuck.

i widen my eyes as i see many girls chained up. i'm guessing they were naked until cecilia covered them up with blankets and towels.

they each carry worried expressions when they see me.

"he won't hurt you." she attempts to comfort them, she shows the pliers to them and grabs them but i stop her.

"i'll release them." i say eyeing anything but the girls and cecilia. the truth is, i feel like i can't fucking breathe. "you call the cops."

how can one do this and find pleasure in doing such a disgusting and filthy thing.

how can one live with themselves.

"but, samuel i-" she tries but i cut her off by shaking my head.

"call the cops, cecilia."

she hesitates. she wants to help. she wants them to know that she wants them to be okay and free.

she walks up the stairs and i'm assuming she's calling the cops.

i walk to the first girl i see. i can't look at them. i don't want them to feel uncomfortable.

she looks at least 14. fucking disgusting. trapping a any girl if any age for sex without consent.

i take a deep breath and snap as many chains around her as i can and as fast as i can. when she's free she stays in her seat.

i move to the one beside her. she looks abit older but not too old. i snip her chains off of her as well.


we're at the police station.

they wanted to bring cecilia in for questioning about her father. about everything he's done concerning this, but she won't mention the abuse and the trauma.

i came with her for moral support i guess.

"cecilia adams." they call. she looks at me with worry.

i give her a comforting nod and she walks away to where they called her from.

"cecilia." i call remembering what i needed to tell her, she turns around and i step forward so only she can hear. "when they say tell them everything, tell them everything he hasn't been caught for."

she bites her bottom lip softly and then slowly nods.

is this it?

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