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"fuck!" i yell out as i'm on the ground gripping my ankle. someone in the team accidentally kicked my ankle instead of the ball. fucking blind moron.

"everyone continue the game!" coach yells out to the team as they are circling around me. "cece, gimme a hand."

i stand myself up and coach wraps one arm around his shoulder and the other is wrapped on cecilias shoulder. they lead me to the bleachers and sit me down.

"cece, grab ice from the freezer in my office and stay with him." he orders her and she run to his office and gets the ice.

she returns back to the bleachers where i'm seated and lightly places the ice on my ankle.

"is that okay?" she asks softly.

"yup." i forces out.

a minute of silence goes by.

"is the ice helping?" she asks breaking the silence.


"i'm gonna go-" she tell me as she stands up but i cuts her off.

"no." i says. saying that was an accident. i was thinking out loud. she looks at me and my expression softens, "stay."

she sits back down.

"i'm sorry about today." i apologise breaking the silence this time.

she pauses for a minute. "you did nothing wrong today."

"i'm sorry, for all of it." i add.

"no, you're not." she corrects. "but it's okay."

i carry an uneasy look. "no cece- uhh, cecilia, you don't deserve this."

she looks up at her nickname. that hasn't slipped out of my mouth since we were 10. i guess we both used our old nicknames for each other today.

"you're right." she says and looks at me, "i don't deserve this."

"is there a way for me to make it all up to you?" i ask embarrassed. these past couple of days, i've grown to like her. it's not just pity now, i genuinely want to make things right.

i'm right now admitting that i fucked up. i will do anything to fix what i've broken.

she pauses again. this time for a really long time.

"you don't need to do anything." she lets out.

"no." i deny.

"yes." she corrects, "there's nothing you can do."

"can i- can i at least take you to the park this weekend?" i ask clearly nervous.

she looks me in my eyes and then looks away. "why the park?"

"we can go some place else if you want."

"no, it's fine." she says. "we can go to the park."

i smile and then take it off my face.

the park it is.

[a/n, this chapter is really short so i'll have another chapter out later on today.
if any of you guys are confused with timing, i live in australia, more on the southeastern side if any of you guys want to check the timezone differences. [Australia, NSW]
estimated i post between the times 12am-2pm.
i hope y'all are enjoying, i really appreciate all of you so much <3]

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