Prompt 28: Dream and Tommy

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I can't find the artist again, but if any of you recognize the signature in the corner, let me know so I can credit them!


In a twist on my second prompt, I thought, "Hey, what if that, but in prison?" so here we are.

So, as I mentioned, this takes place in prison, specifically when Tommy is trapped with Dream. In my second prompt, Dream becomes obsessed with Tommy and thinks of him as his son, having become attached to him during the L'manburg War of Independence. This also happens in this prompt, but during the time Dream and Tommy are trapped together.

Tommy has been his only source of human interaction aside from one-sided conversations with Sam when he gets fed, so he's fucking desperate. And Tommy, although not as talkative and bright as before all the wars (Gee, I wonder why that is Dream? /s), is still as funny and endearing as always. It begins slowly, his hatred for Tommy ebbing away as fatherly love grows in its place, swiftly turning into an obsession. Dream tries to initiate contact in any way he can, always having a hand on Tommy's shoulder, sitting close by, a hand on his back, any excuse to cuddle up to his self-proclaimed son, he'll take. He's also taken to watching Tommy sleep and playing with his hair, but Tommy doesn't know about this.

Tommy is, understandably, extremely uncomfortable with this and wants to get out of the cell as fast as possible. He has no idea why Dream has suddenly changed in how he acts toward him, so he's being cautious. He's afraid that he'll snap suddenly, and that's the only reason why he tolerates Dream's cuddly behavior.

Instead of the time of being trapped in the cell being extended, Sam comes to let Tommy out on time. Tommy is ecstatic to finally be free from Dream and his unnerving clinginess, but Dream is not having any of it. As Tommy tries to get away from him and onto the bridge, Dream tightens his grip on Tommy. When Sam comes into the cell to pry them apart, he quickly becomes violent, growling like a wild animal, screaming at Sam that Tommy can't leave him, Tommy was his son, Tommy was his.

Two possible endings:

Good Ending - Sam removes Tommy from the cell, either killing or knocking out Dream to do it, and getting Tommy out of the prison. Tommy, albeit shaken up after the experience goes on with his life, forgiving Sam and moving on. Dream, if he's still alive, rots away in his cell for the rest of his life.

Bad Ending - Sam removes Tommy from the cell, knocking Dream out to do it, and getting him out of the prison. Tommy attempts to get over it, but there's just a looming sense of dread that he can't shake. Meanwhile, Dream has woken up and is screaming about "his son," and, "his Tommy," constantly shrieking his lungs out and slamming his body and fists against the walls of the cell. It's gotten so bad that Sam's had to install bars and ban visitors indefinitely. Eventually, Dream gets it together enough to be able to (somehow, don't question it) send a message to Technoblade to cash in his favor and escape (He doesn't tell him what he plans to do to Tommy, because Techno wouldn't like that he's planning on kidnapping his brother). Sam immediately alerts the SMP to his escape, and goes to Tommy first thing because he's definitely Dream's target. Dream stalks him for a while before killing Sam and Puffy (because she'd definitely be there to comfort and protect Tommy) and finally bringing his son back to him :)

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