Prompt 16: Tommyinnit and SBI

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I couldn't find any art relating to the topic, so I just chose some nice art. I don't know who drew it, but if any of you know, just tell me so that I can credit them.


I really love all the dark SBI fics on AO3 where 3/4 of the Sleepy Bois become obsessed and overprotective of Tommy and forcefully adopt him, and I had an idea of my own that I would love to see made into a fully-fledged story. I basically just saw the title of the fic "over the village wall" and though "But what if the story was inspired by where they got the title?" so this prompt was born, based on the show "Over the Garden Wall." (It's a really good show btw, please watch it, I beg. Otherwise you might not get some referenced I make, like characters or locations.)

So, Tommy gets himself lost in the Unknown and has to find his way home, basically replacing both Wirt and Greg, but there's a catch; there are three Beasts hunting him down. They look kinda like the beast from the original show, like being shadowy and having glowing eyes, but there are differences, like Phil having gigantic wings, and Wilbur tending to appear closer to the water and luring people in like a siren. I can't think of any physical differences for Techno, so make something up yourself. Another difference is that they don't look like the og Beast when you shine a light on him. The beast SBI look human in their true forms. Like the og Beast, they have a lamp and use edelwood oil to fuel their souls, but they all share one lantern.

At first, their motives are identical to Over the Garden Wall's Beast; they want to turn Tommy into an edelwood tree and use him to fuel their lantern. However, after following him through the Unknown and seeing how he interacts with the residents of the forest and towns, they start to grow fond (AKA: very obsessive and possessive) of the boy and instead want to kidnap him and turn him into one of them, trapping him forever on the forest.

Some others in the Dream SMP ensemble could be the townsfolk, too! Especially in parts like the tavern, that would be a good place to insert more characters. Also Pottsfield, that could maybe be a lighter version of the Egg cult maybe?

Here's a fun idea - Tubbo takes the place of Beatrice as a bee instead of a bluebird. This could come with a lot of potential consequences, too, like if he's just a talking bee or if he's in the same situation as Beatrice, where he and his family have been cursed. If he has been cursed and is trying to lead Tommy to an Adelade character, maybe that could be when the SBI cone in to kidnap Tommy. Considering that the part where Beatrice accidentally lead Wirt and Greg to Adelade happens pretty late in the story, Beast! SBI would already be very attached to Tommy. Tubbo betraying Tommy and hurting him would make them furious, because how dare they hurt their boy! It would probably end in whoever Adelade is (probably Dream) and Tubbee dead, and Tommy kidnapped. That's just a concept though, so you can play around with it however you like!

There are two possible endings:

Good Ending - Tommy outsmarts the three monsters and escapes the Unknown. Whether he's been kidnapped before escaping or if he's evaded capture is up to the author. Tommy extinguishing the lantern and killing Techno, Wilbur, and Philza is optional.

Bad Ending - Tommy is captured by the Beasts and they claim him as their own, changing him into a Beast himself and trapping his soul in their shared lantern. He's now trapped in the forest with a doting, overprotective eldritch family and has to deal with changing lost children into trees to burn for the rest of his immortal life.


BTW, if any of you know if there are any dark SBI fics on Wattpad like the ones on AO3, could you recommend some? I just really enjoy reading them.

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