Prompt 37: Tommy and Chat

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Art by that-sweet-jester on Tumblr


AU where the voices are just citizens that have the ability to just kinda hang out in Techno's head sometimes.

So, we all know that (most of) the voices love Tommy. Tommy's also had a rough time. So, what if after the various traumatizing events that Tommy's gone through, the voices, in citizen form, start a fund for Tommy where people donate to him. Every so often, when Tommy's having a harder time than usual, the voices take some money from the Tommy Fund and drop off some money or food on his doorstep. Just, civilian voices being nice to Tommy in general. For example, letting him stay in their houses after the L'Manburg explosions or when his house gets griefed, giving him gifts, or even just complimenting him or having a nice conversation when they bump into him on the Prime Path or something.

I also love the idea of 99% of the citizens being Tommy supporters who grab their pitchforks and torches whenever he's getting traumatized and/or slandered. Like, instead of Pogtopia staging a coup or whatever to get rid of Schlatt, he just gets ousted from office by a sea of angry Inniters. Things go similarly with other events. Just imagine the aftermath of Tommy's exile; Tubbo swiftly regrets his decision to kick out his best friend, because now he has to quell the outrage of hundreds of furious Tommy stans. They definitely visit Tommy to give him food and support during exile, Dream has no power over them.

Another thing; the civilian! voices go on a manhunt to find Dream's lair and save the Clingy Duo using a single picture, think that time Redditors found an ISIS base using execution videos, but faster, and more ridiculous. Instead of the other members of the server coming to their rescue, it's a squadron of hundreds of Inniters decked out in fully-enchanted netherite. I like the idea that Tommy says "You came!" the same as in canon, because at this point he's accepted that he's accumulated a loving fanbase despite perceiving himself as worthless.

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