Prompt 35: Dream (Ranboo???) and Tommy

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Art by moony-man on Tumblr


AU where Dream controls Ranboo's enderwalk state ( which is why I was confused about whether I should put Ranboo in the title LOL)

We all know how obsessed Dream is with Tommy in canon. If you don't, then I regret to inform you of how fucking creepy c!Dream is with our boy. Like, he literally built tunnels under Tommy's house in exile to stalk him. He's more than a little fucked in the head.

So, Dream controls Ranboo while he's enderwalking and mostly uses it to fuck with our poor Oreo boy, but after seeing Tommy while on his way to do whatever kind of fucked up shit, he decides to use it to stalk and obsess over him again.

Now, whenever Dream's done setting up more trauma (TM) for Ranboo while enderwalking, he goes straight to where Tommy is to start following him around everywhere. Eventually, after getting caught by Tommy and only being asked what he was doing and why his eyes were purple, he also realizes that Tommy doesn't mind if he's there, which makes following him a lot easier. If he's following him outside of his house, that is.

After this becomes a routine, Dream starts getting more cuddly towards him as Enderwalk Ranboo. Things like putting his head on Tommy's, standing close, wrapping his tail (or tails if your Ranboo design has two) around Tommy's legs and/or waist, or holding his wrist. This escalates to becoming protective over him, hugging him from behind, growling at other SMP members that get too close, even shrieking at someone who touched Tommy. After this incident, Dream decides that he's had enough of just visiting Tommy. He decides to kidnap him.

After a long period of not enderwalking, Dream finds a way to trap Ranboo in the enderwalk state (don't ask how he did that in prison) and the next time he sees Tommy, he grabs him and teleports him away. Tommy obviously is confused and angry at being suddenly taken, maybe even a little scared. All Dream does is put him in a room filled with blankets and cuddle up to him, purring.

I feel like Dream would have to be asleep to use the enderwalk, so I feel like the way they find out that Dream is controlling Ranboo would be them somehow finding a connection between Dream sleeping almost 24/7 and Ranboo and Tommy disappearing. 

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