X Reader Prompt 3: Ghostbur/Revivebur

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Hello everyone! Sorry that I've been inactive for so long, I've just started my first year of high school. Speaking of which, updates will be slow, as usual, but I'll finally have a consistent upload schedule!

Updates will be every weekend, maybe two if I'm feeling extra motivated!

Art is my ramenthievery on Tumblr


In this prompt, Reader joins the SMP after Wilbur is dead, so they never knew Ghostbur before his death.

So, Ghostbur and Reader are in an established relationship. They're super adorable together and everyone agrees that they're the cutest couple on the server. Everything is going so well, everything is super fluffy and they're so in love with each other. That is, until Wilbur is revived.

Reader meets him for the first time soon after he gets out of the prison. He is completely different from their cute, sweet Ghostbur, and they find the way he treats Tommy to be disgusting, so they leave him and move farther away from him, taking Tommy with them.

Revivebur is fine with this at first, if a little miffed at them taking Tommy, but then a wrench gets thrown into the works. The next time he sees Reader, maybe working at McPuffy's or as a bartender at Las Nevadas, his heart starts to pound. First he thinks that these feelings are just a holdover from Ghostbur, since he remembers what he does, and that if he waits, they'll go away.

But they don't.

Frustratingly, they only grow. Revivebur locks himself in his house for weeks, only going out for food and avoiding Reader (and his feelings) as much as he can. That is, until he can't. Eventually, he can't deny it anymore. He just thinks they're so kind and pretty, and he can't lie to himself any longer. He's in love with them.

Once he accepts that, Revivebur's attitude towards them does a complete 180. He shows up at their work, trying to get as close as he physically can to them, and his teases are merciless. Of course, Reader doesn't take kindly to this, yelling at him and always very angry with him. Unknown to them, that's exactly what he wants. He knows they hate him, so he can't hope that they'll give him positive attention, so he goes for the next best thing. Even if they're always angry with him, at least they talk to him. He can only hope that they never notice how fast and loud his heart is around them, or how red his face is when they accidentally brush against him.

Of course, nothing stays the same forever.

On one hand, the ending could be really angsty with a rejection, but, I propose this; one day, Reader tries ignoring him to get him to go away, and after a while, Revivebur breaks, tearfully confessing to them. They reject him, but say that they might give him a chance if he gets his act together, goes to therapy, and stops being such a manipulative, abusive dick.

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