Prompt 26: Tommy and SBI

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Art not mine, found on Pinterest. Reverse image searching didn't work, if you know the OG artist, please tell me so I can credit them.

The picture has nothing to do with the prompt, just a funny haha.


I'm just on a roll with these Dark SBI fics, aren't I?

In this one, Tommy goes to a newly opened dinosaur zoo, kinda like a Jurassic Park style thing, with his parents. Does this count as IRL since his parents are in this one? Eh, I'll leave it up to the author. Anyway, a little note, I think it'd make sense for Tommy to be a little younger than he actually is, like, maybe 12/13?

Moving on, in typical Jurassic Parc fashion though, everything goes to shit when the power cuts out in a horrible accident/malfunction and all the dinosaurs are freed. Tommy and his parents try to hide, but are discovered and hunted down by a pack of raptors who kill Tommy's parents in front of him. He faints immediately after from shock, but he figures it's better that way because he knows he's gonna die anyway, might as well be in his sleep. However, when he wakes, he's in a surprisingly comfortable dinosaur nest, surrounded on all sides by the feathery bodies of overly cuddly raptors.

Turns out, the raptors that he'd been fascinated with earlier decided that this hatchling was theirs now and that they caused the horrible accident and cut the power in order to take him.

If it wasn't obvious, the raptors are Phil, Techno, and Wilbur, but that's not all! Tubbo and Ranboo also get to be raptors and take part in the Tommy-napping this time around. Yay!

The plot could consist of Tommy trying and failing to escape them. It's a pack of raptors, they're stronger and faster than him, so there's no way he's going to actually get away all by himself, he's just in denial of the situation. He slowly comes to terms with the fact that he'll be trapped forever by a pack of over-protective raptors who forcefully cuddle up to him every night. Maybe he even develops Stockholm syndrome towards them.

Another direction it could be taken in is some other Dream SMP member(s) as survivors who find Tommy during an escape attempt and help him get away and survive while they try and call for help. It could be whoever you want, preferably a group of two or three, maybe four. Some candidates for survivors: Niki, Sam, Puffy, Purpled, Fundy, Bad, and the Dream Team. For some reason, one scenario in particular that sticks out to me is Dream (surprising coming from me, I know) alone finding Tommy during an attempt to escape the pack and the both of them either surviving on their own and finding another group of survivors or Dream regrouping with the rest of the Dream Team.

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