꧁𝙿𝚊𝚛𝚝 𝟷꧂

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I ran out of my house running down the side of the beach, I was so upset. My mom had just told me that we were moving away to the city. Leaving everything behind, my friends, my home, and the beach. I fell to my knees the tears were falling from my eyes, I couldn't handle the news, I grew up here and my mom wanted to take all of it away just because of her dumb breakup. I wish her and dad never divorced so she wouldn't have all these boyfriends. I fidgeted with my necklace, it was one I had my entire life. It was an old silver chain with a strange flower charm at the end, I found it in the sand when I was young and now it stays with me all the time.

But anyway here I am sitting crying in the sand right after I yelled at my mom. I just wanted everything to stop. I was sitting there for so long I didn't realize how dark it had gotten and the small rain falling. I got up and stared into the ocean-the calm waves, something that has always made everything better. So deciding what I should do so I went for a swim. Swimming was one of my favorite things to do and even though it was late at night and I was in jeans and a t-shirt. I laid in the water and didn't care about anything anymore, that was until a huge wave came and took me in. I blacked out after that.


I woke up with a horrible headache and was so tired. I sit up and as my eyes adjust to the brightness I hear faint music ahead of me. That's strange it was night when I got taken in by that wave. Did I really wash up to shore and was passed out till morning. I stood up and walked closer to where the music was coming from and there I saw it. A bunch of people dancing around, with surfboards and in Bikinis. When they were singing it sounded familiar, like a song I've heard before. That's when it hit me, it was the song, from wet side story, the show my mom watched all the time, I had only ever watched it with her once, but I remember it pretty well. In fact, everyone on the beach looked exactly like everyone from the movie. Eventually, they all stopped their song and took a deep breath. I looked closer at them trying to understand what was happening but I fell forward, off the rock I was hiding behind. I fell into the sand and groaned as my face hit the ground. I sit up while brushing the sand off my face.

That's when I noticed all the surfers were staring at me. My eyes widen as they start coming closer. They huddled around me, staring at me like I was a lost kid asking for help.

"H-Hi," I say nervously

"Who are you?" One of them asked me

"I'm um..." I start before taking a deep breath, "I'm Y/N, Y/N L/N."

"Well Y/N, What are you doing around here, especially behind that rock?" Another one asked me

"How do I say this, that I was swimming late at night, when I was suddenly taken in by a wave and now I'm somehow in a Musical about the beach?" I thought to myself

"Um, Last night I got knocked out and I just woke up on the shore, so I was checking out where I am. I don't know where this is, I don't think I've ever been here before," I say, I mean not a complete lie but also no the full truth

"Well that doesn't seem good does it?" He responds "How about we take you back to our place? We can get you cleaned up and then try to figure out how to get you back to where you came from."

"Yah sure, I'd like that" I smile

In any other situation I would've said no because I just met these people, but I was in a movie so I don't think much can happen to me. He reaches his hand out to me, so I take it and he helps me up.

"Awww come on dude we just got here, we didn't even get a chance to surf yet," Another one said

"Oh come on now, helping this girl seems more important right now, we can come surfing some other time," The one that helped me up says

They each grabbed their surf boards and head to the car. They load their boards into the car and climb in. The guy who helped me opened the door to the passenger seat for me. I said thank you and got in. He hurried over to the drivers side and got in, starting the car.

As we were driving I noticed in the back seat the one who was upset earlier still looked mad. I turned to the driver with a smile.

"Is bucket hat always this angry?" I ask receiving small laughs from the other two in the backseat

"Yeah kinda," he laughed, "He's more serious than the rest of us."

"Bucket hat?" He asked "I have a name y'know"

"A name of which I do not know," say back

"Oh my gosh of course," the driver sighed "How rude of me to not introduce you to everyone."

"That's Giggles," he said pointing to a girl with blonde hair and pink bikini, she smiled and waved at me

"That's Rascal," he pointed to a guy with brown hair and green swim trunks, who smiled in response

"And bucket hat over there, his name is SeaCat,"

SeaCat nodded at me as a hello. He had red swim trunks, dark brown curly hair, and of course a bucket hat.

I smiled and waved at all of them. Then I turned back to the one in the driver seat.

"And me," he looked at me "I'm Tanner!"

Tanner had slicked over brown hair, blue green and white swim trunks, and teeth as shiny as a diamond. I could tell he was like the leader of this group.

I smiled at him before Turing to face the windshield, watching our surroundings as we drove. I know I wasn't so sure about this at first but I have a good feeling about these people.

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