꧁𝙿𝚊𝚛𝚝 𝟻꧂

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𝙏𝙝𝙚 𝙉𝙚𝙭𝙩 𝘿𝙖𝙮

Tonight is the night of the pajama party that Lela invited me to. There wasn't much to do other than wait for nighttime so I could meet up with her. Thinking about it there wasn't much to do around here besides surf, hang at Big Mama's, and sit around at home. That's why I'm so excited to go to Lela's house because that's something I'm able to do besides sit around.

I go into the kitchen to grab some water but as I head back through the living room, SeaCat stops me.

"Hey there's still sometime before me and the guys go to Big mama's to hang out. Do you maybe wanna watch a movie with me?" He asked

"Oh um, sure I'd love to!" I responded

He smiled and walked over to the VCR and put in a tape as I sat down on the couch. The tape he put in was called the music man. Honestly, I miss modern movies because there's only so much of this good stuff. He came over and sat on the couch, weirdly close to me. He then wrapped his arm around my shoulder and although it was weird I didn't seem to mind.

~𝑇𝑖𝑚𝑒 𝑆𝑘𝑖𝑝~

Once the movie was over it was Sundown. SeaCat told me he should get going now and started heading towards the door. I followed him so I could say goodbye to him. He turned to me a few feet from the door, and we stared at each other. Eventually, I smiled at him and waved. He waved back and headed out the door.

I was going to wait for a little before heading over because I didn't want SeaCat or any other surfer guy to know I was hanging out with Lela, Y'know because she's a biker. Once it was darker I headed out the door and headed down to the beach. Once I was there I stood in front of Big Mama's to wait for Lela, and in a few minutes she showed up.

"HEY! Y/N you're here! Come on let's go!" She said as she grabbed my hands and pulled me away.

It didn't take long to get to her house, and once I was there I was greeted by the other girls there. CheeChee and struts were there, as long as two other girls that I didn't remember the names of. Lela went to her closet and handed me a green pajama shirt.

"Alright go get changed and then we can do your hair or something," She said smiling

I nodded, headed into the bathroom, and quickly changed into the pajamas she gave me. They're not my style but I have to deal with the 60s-style clothing because there's nothing else for me to wear.

Once I came out, I sat on the bed and watched Struts and CheeChee argue while she teased her hair. Then Lela walked in with a blue dress.

"What do you think?" She smiled

A chorus of gasps came from the room.

"Oh my gosh," Struts whispered, "That's beautiful!"

"Do you think I should wear this to go see Tanner?" She said walking over to Struts

"Tanner likes to surf, and the water's blue, and this dress is blue. So the next time he goes surfing he'll see the blue water and think of me!" She said

Everyone giggled at how cute it was but it didn't feel right to me.

"Why should you let a boy influence what you wear? Or anything you do?" I asked

"Simple. A girl will look at your dress, a boy will look at how you look in a dress," CheeChee smiled

"Yeah, what's the matter with letting boys be in control of things?" Struts asked with a giggle

𝑀𝑎𝑦𝑏𝑒 𝐼 𝑎𝑚 𝐹𝑎𝑙𝑙𝑖𝑛𝑔❤︎︎Where stories live. Discover now