꧁𝙿𝚊𝚛𝚝 𝟺꧂

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I stepped out of the car and felt as my feet slightly sunk into the sand. I looked forward and saw tons of people already at big mama's partying. Tonight I decided to wear a multicolored floral dress, a headband, and white Mary Jane shoes.

 Tonight I decided to wear a multicolored floral dress, a headband, and white Mary Jane shoes

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Me and SeaCat walk towards big mamas and I can hear the music from outside. As I walk in I see tons of people dancing.

"You go sit down, I'll go grab everyone drinks," I said to SeaCat

He nodded and I headed over to the bar. I ordered drinks for all of us and as I waited for them, I noticed Butchy's sister standing next to me.

"I'll take 5 sodas please," I hear her order

I look over at her and our gazes meet. We both gave each other a quick smile. But it didn't last long because I quickly grabbed my drinks and left. I set all the drinks down and get a chorus of thank you's from everyone. I sat down and we all talked for a little. I listened to Rascal as he talked to big mama and danced with her. I laughed at him when she pushed him out of the way and walked off.

"Oh guys come on, it's time to dance," Rascal said

Him and Giggles quickly got up and headed to the dance floor and I looked over at SeaCat and we both got up and hurried over to the dance floor. The music started and everyone was dancing, and I watched the stage as Lela performs her song. As we're dancing I feel myself bump into someone and turn around to see Butchy.

"Hey why don't you watch where your dancin'," He says to SeaCat

"Well maybe you shouldn't be in the way," SeaCat responded

As they argue I start to panic as Lela starts falling off the stage but is quickly saved by Tanner.

And now I'm falling for Ya

Falling for Ya

I know I shouldn't But I

just can't help myself from

Falling for Ya

Falling for Ya

Can't hold on any longer

And now I'm falling for you!

I smile as I see the scene go down. I remember loving this scene when I saw it but I was interrupted when I heard Butchy yelling.

"Hey get your soggy surfer mitts off my baby sister," he said pulling Lela away from Tanner

"Get your biker baby sister off our boarding buddy!" SeaCat replied

"Oh yeah?" Butchy yelled pulling Lela away as SeaCat did the same to Tanner

And here's the part I looked forward to the least. I didn't really want to participate in this dance battle, but I was SeaCat's dance partner, so I needed to bet part of it.

~Time skip~

We all sat down on the beach around a fire while talking. Well more like SeaCat was arguing with Tanner about how he shouldn't be messing around with a biker. Eventually, I got fed up with having to listen to them, so I slid off my shoes and headed down the beach.

As I walked I watched the ground, not looking up. Since I wasn't paying attention I felt myself bump into someone and fall down.

"Oh my gosh, are you okay?" I hear a familiar voice say

I look up to see Butchy in front of me with his hand out. I took his hand and he quickly helped me up.

"Yeah I'm fine, It's my fault I wasn't paying attention," I said brushing myself off

Butchy didn't say anything but instead just stared at me for a while. I opened my mouth to say something but couldn't find the words. But, our moment was ruined by Lela running up to us.

"Hey, um," She started but stopped when she saw what was happening, "What's going on here?"

"Nothing, let's go," Butchy said Turing around

Lela turned around with them and I overheard them talking.

"Butchy what was that about?" She asked

"What was what about?" He asked

"You were totally eyeing that surfer," she smiled

"What!? No, I wasn't," he exclaimed

He looked behind him, but quickly looked back when he saw me looking at him.

"Whatever, let's just go," he said walking off

I turn around and start to walk off but am stopped when I hear someone calling to me.

"Hey, wait up!" Lela yells

"Hey what's up?" I ask

"So, um, Y/N right?" She asked and I nodded, "Great, I was just wondering if you wanted to come to my pajama party tomorrow night?"

"Oh, sure I'd love to come," I said

"Okay great! Meet me outside big mama's tomorrow and I'll bring you to my house. I have to perfect pajamas for you, you'll look great!" She said excitedly

"Awesome, I can't wait," I said

And with that, we both headed our separate ways. I headed back to where the rest of the group was.

"Where'd you go?" SeaCat asked

"Just went on a walk," I responded

"Okay we'll now that you're here I think we should go back home," Tanner said

We all agreed and stood up, heading to the car.
A/N: I know this chapter is kinda short and boring but I promise that it will get more intreasting within 1 or 2 more chapters for sure.

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