꧁𝙿𝚊𝚛𝚝 𝟼꧂

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"You look amazing!" Lela yelled

"I can't believe it!" struts exclaimed

"Who knew a surfer would look so good as a biker," Cheechee whispered

I just stood there looking at myself in the mirror shocked. I didn't believe that I could look so good as a biker. I felt myself smile as I looked myself up and down.

"Anyways," Lela continues, "Tanner is at Big Mama's tonight, do you guys think we should head down to visit?"

"Oh my god yes!" one of the girls said

"You should wear your dress," the other said

"I'd love to see his reaction to you in that dress," Struts nodded

They all looked at me eager to hear my response.

"Okay sure," they all cheered, "but let me go get a cup of water first but then we can go."

They all nodded and I headed out the door and into the kitchen. I grabbed a cup and filled it up under the sink. I instantly put the drink to my lips and eagerly drank the water. I didn't realize I was this thirsty.

Suddenly I hear something drop and quickly turn around. Butchy was standing behind me and I guess he must've dropped his helmet on his way out.

"Oh hey," I say nervously, not knowing how'd he react to a surfer in his house

"Uh, Hi," he responds, grabbing his helmet off the ground

"Are you heading out for a ride?" I ask setting my cup down

"Yeah," he responds, "What about you, what are you doing here?"

"Lela invited me to her pajama party, and we were actually about to head down to Big Mama's right now," I said leaning on the counter

"Oh really. Were you guys going to walk there?" he asks

"I'm not certain. I'm not sure any of those girls know how to drive anyways," I chuckle

"Yeah, no they don't" he laughs back, "Well um I know you're a surfer so you probably don't have a problem with sand, but if you don't want to walk there, maybe I can give you a ride?" he suggests

"Really? You want to give me a ride there?" I ask standing up straight

"Yeah, but only if you want to," he adds

"Well sure, I'd love to, let me just go tell Lela I'll be going with you," I say heading back to the bedroom

I walked into the bedroom and Lela had already changed into her dress while the rest of the girls stayed in the white tank tops and pink skirts. Once they noticed me they all stood up, ready to go.

"Hey, um is it okay if Butchy takes me to Big Mama's, he offered to give me a ride?" I ask

The girls look at me for a second before beginning to whisper to each other. Lela then speaks up, making them stop.

"Sure, sounds great!" she responds

I nod and head back out to the kitchen where Butchy leads me back to the door. He hands me Lela's helmet and I place it on my head as we walk out the door. He sits down on his bike and motions for me to sit behind him. I do so and am hesitant to wrap my arms around his torso.

"Is it okay if I take you for a little bit of a ride first since we have some time to spare? I'll still get you to Big Mama's in time to meet with the girls."

"Yeah go ahead," I say, slightly tightening my grip

He smiled at me and started the motorcycle. He started to pull away from the house and towards the beach. He drove around for a while, passing by people in the water and dodging people who were sitting in the sand. I smile looking back as the sand goes flying under the tires. I remember always wanting to ride a motorcycle and now that I actually am, it is way better than I imagined. But my joy is interrupted by Butchy breaking and stopping the bike somewhere with no one around. I'm confused as to why were stopped and why were stopped so far away from Big Mama's.

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