꧁𝙿𝚊𝚛𝚝 𝟸꧂

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Tanner pulled up into a neighborhood with a few houses together and pulled into the driveway of one of the houses. We got out of the car and he opens the front door, allowing me to go in first. I take in the place noticing how nice it was. Tanner, seacat, giggles, and rascal all enter the house behind me.

"So Y/N," Tanner started,"I can show you around but do you want to shower first?".

"Yes, thank you that would be nice." I reply with a smile

"Great! That's the bathroom right there," he said pointing to a door, "Towels are on the shelf in there and giggles will let you borrow some clothes once you're done,".

"Thanks," I say heading off to the bathroom.

I twist the handle and push the door open. Once I'm in I take off my shirt, not wanting the material sticking to my skin any longer. I walk over to the shower, twisting the nob to 'hot'. I continue to undress and get into the shower once it has warmed up.

~Time Skip~

Once I was done showering I turned off the water and stepped out, wrapping myself up in one of the towels. As I was drying off I heard a knock at the door.

"Hey Y/N I'm leaving the clothes out here by the door," I hear giggles say.

"Thanks Giggles," I reply

"Also you can put everything in the hamper in the coner," she says walking away

I open the and door and quickly grab the clothes. I shut the door and continue to dry myself off. Once I finish I throw on the clothes Giggles let me borrow. It's a blue shirt with the words "Surfs up" on it and a pair of white shorts. I throw everything else into the hamper and walk out of the bathroom. As I walk into the living room, I see all of them talking about something.

"Hey what are you guys talking about?" I ask sitting down on the couch

"Well we were thinking about how were going to get you home," Tanner said, "You said you've never been here before so it might be difficult,".

"Do you know what city or town you live in?" Rascal asked.

"No I don't," I lied "I just moved there about a week ago so I didn't memorize anything yet,".

More lies. I just hope they believe me.

"Well shoot then. If you don't know that then I don't know how were going to find a way to get you home." Tanner sighed

"Well how about we figure that out later and instead we watch a movie for now?" Rascal asked

We all looked at each other and nodded our heads in agreement. Rascal went over to the TV and placed a VHS tape into the VCR.
(A/N: I know the VCR wasn't released until 1977 and the movie takes place in 1962, but just ignore that)

We were sat on the couch in the order, Tanner on the end, then me, then seacat, then giggles, and Rascal sat on a sepreate chair next to the couch. We sat and watched the movie, which I surprisingly was enjoying.

You know this movie world isn't too bad. Maybe staying here would be better than going back home

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