꧁𝙿𝚊𝚛𝚝 9꧂

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A/N: Hey! Guess whos updating alsmot 8 months later :P Sorry about that, I really don't have an excuse. But I made this chapter extra long to make up for it. Also because I couldn't stop once I got going. ANyways if your still tuning into this story, then thank you so much this means the world to me and thank you for waiting so long. Anyways on the story!

I became conscious again as I rose to the surface of the water, gasping for air. Rubbing the water out of my eyes I begin swimming towards Land. I see the lights Illuminating Big Mama's, exactly where I was when I left. Standing up on shore, I ring the water out of my hair and top. I was only gone for a little bit, but it messed up my body anyway. Staying in the movie world made my body adjust to the habits of the characters. I don't get wet when I go into the water and I break out into song randomly. But going back into the real world reset everything back to normal. It only took a few days last time to adjust but it's still going to be annoying. Completely lost in thought, I hadn't noticed the cars and bikes in front of big mamas.

Are they having another shredder shindig? Why are both groups here? God, I hope there isn't a big fight happening right now.

I walk up to the building but decide to stay by the door for a second. Since the doors weren't actual doors, I was able to listen to the conversation that was happening.

3rd person POV:
"Listen!" Tanner yells, "There’s no point in arguing over whose fault this is. It's just a waste of time, and we need all the time we need in order to find her,".

"Yeah it's a waste of time because we all know it's this dirty rodent's fault," Seacat says

"I have nothing to do with this," Butchy defends himself

"She ran away because you randomly showed up at our house to break her heart," SeaCat says beginning to raise his voice

"Hey, I wouldn't have had to do that, if you didn't go around calling her your girlfriend," Butchy retorts

"You shouldn't have been messing around with her anyways," He yells

"Are you guys kidding me!" Lela interrupts, "Y/N is missing and all you guys can think to do is argue. Can't we put our differences aside for one moment and do something,".

"Lela's right we have to work together if we want to find her" Tanner continued 

"It's kinda hard to work together with a moron," SeaCat retorts

A chorus of groans is heard throughout the room followed by a few remarks. But Butchy was fed up with his behavior 

"Okay I don't know what your problem is but get this through your head. You do not own Y/N, You can't dictate who she hangs out with, and you sure as hell can't tell her who she can and can't be with. So yes I can admit it was my fault she ran away, but I didn't want to come between you and her. Which I am now seeing was a mistake, but if you want to sit here and complain over the fact that I'm a biker then go ahead. But I'm going to go out there and find her because I love her and I'll be damned if I let anything happen to her."

Seacat clenches his jaw and walks closer to the biker. But before he could do anything they were interrupted.

"Guys!" Someone yells, pointing at the door

"Y/N!" Lela yelled 

She ran and threw herself into my arms. I slowly wrapped my arms around her, looking around the room. Everyone was staring at me, most specifically my weird love triangle at the front of the room. Eventually, I let go of Lela, making my way to the front of the room. 

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 11, 2023 ⏰

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