꧁𝙿𝚊𝚛𝚝 𝟾꧂

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"MOM?!" I yelled.

"Oh, sweetheart I've been looking everywhere for you," she said as she backed up out of the hug.

I didn't respond. I was too shocked. I didn't know how I got back here, I didn't know how long it had been. How was I going to return?

"Come on you're soaked, and probably freezing." She spoke as she led me back to the house.

We walked into the door and she sat me down at the kitchen table. She quickly ran and grabbed a towel to wrap around me.

"Y/N you can't just run off like that, you scared me," she sighed.

I didn't respond, I only gave her a look.

"Listen, I know your upset, I don't want to move away either. But I have no choice,".

"How," I started before being interrupted.

"We needed money and it's the only place that I could find a job," she rambled.

"Mom!" I yelled at her, " How long was I gone for?".

"Well I'm not sure, I was looking for you for a long while, but I had already done 2 sweeps of our side of the beach and I didn't see you once. Then I checked the town and came back and when I did another look on the beach I found you soaking wet by the shore. I'd say I was looking for about 30-40 minutes," she continued.

Time works so weird there. I was there for a little over a month in their time but in this time I was gone for less than an hour. But jeez my mom must've been worried sick, I was angry at her sure, but I never wanted to make her feel that worried.

"Mom, when do we have to leave for your new job?" I ask curiously

"Three days," she whispers.

"Are you kidding me, you told me we're leaving my entire life behind three days before!" I scream beginning to feel angry again.

"I know, I'm sorry, but I thought it'd be for the best,".

"What do you mean for the best!" I couldn't control my anger.

"I thought it'd be better if you didn't have time to try and debate with me," she said ashamed of herself.

"We'll clearly that didn't work," I yelled standing up.

"We'll obviously," she sighed.

"Are you crazy," I said walking closer to her, "You only thought about yourself, you didn't care if I didn't get time to say goodbye to my friends or visit my favorite places for the last time. Just as long as I didn't argue with you,".

"Well yeah when you say it like that it sounds bad," she snapped raising her voice

"Are you kidding me! Your acting like a child right now, I can't even believe you,".

"You will not talk to me like that I am your mother. You treat me with respect," she stood up to meet me.

"I'll treat you like my mother when you start acting like it!"

She didn't say anything to that, she just sat back down, staring at the ground. I sighed but I couldn't waste time here. It’s obvious that time works weirdly in the two places. I had already spent too long here and I couldn't worry SeaCat or Butchy. Not like he'd care anyways though. He made it clear how he felt about me. I still can't believe I was so stupid to believe we had something. Was everything just a sick joke to him? 

UUUGGHHH I'm so angry at everyone right now

I can't believe how everyone's been acting lately. SeaCat is way too controlling and then he calls me his girlfriend when it is so not like that. Then Butchy led me on, made me believe that we could've worked, and dropped me a few hours later. He made a joke out of me. And Lela, she invited me to that sleepover probably trying to bait me into their sick joke, she's probably laughing at me right now. I should've listened to SeaCat, those bikers are no good. Just to top it off, my mom is dropping all this new stuff on me without a choice.

As much as I was mad at my mom, I loved her, but I already created a new family in the movie world. She expected me to pack up and leave everything when the surfers would've never done that to me. As much as it hurt me to do this, I knew what I had to do.

"Mom, I love you, you know that right?" I ask in a calm voice.

"Sweetheart of course I do, and I love you very much. I'd do anything for you, my daughter," she said in a hopeful tone.

"So that's why you know what I have to do is for the best," I sigh.

"What? What do you mean Y/N?" She asks confused.

"If you love me and want me to be happy. Then you need to let me stay," I say, my eye contact strong.

Y/N no! I can't do that," she cries.

"Mom," I continue, "I need to be here. There's someone here that I can't just leave. I need to be with him. I can't move away from him,".

"You want to separate from me over a boy?" She yelled shocked.

"Mom, it's more than that. Please, I need to be with him. I need to be with his friends. They're like a second family to me," I say keeping calm.

"Well, what about your first family?" She continues to yell.

"Well my first family betrayed me!" I start raising my voice.

"I just wanted what was best for you!" She continues.

"Well if you wanted what's best for me then you'd let me stay here and be with the people that make me happy!" I say completely raising my voice to meet her.

The room went completely quiet. We didn't speak, we just looked at each other. She raised her arms as she walked closer to me. She wrapped her arms around me and I heard the tears start. I slowly bring my arms up and start to rub her back gently. After about 30 seconds, she pulls away from me and wipes the tears off her face.

"As a mother," she says between cries, "I'm supposed to protect you and make sure you have the best life I can give you, and if that life is here without me,".

She pauses and I search your face for what emotion she was feeling. 

"We'll if that life is here without me then I'm going to have to let you go. As hard as it's going to be for myself, I'd rather be without you and your happy than to live with you but your miserable," she continued. 

"Really? You mean it?" I exclaimed. 

"Yes just promise me you'll keep yourself safe and stay out of trouble," she replied.

"Yes of course! Thank you so much, I love you mom," I say bringing her into another hug.

It only last a few seconds before I left for the door. Placing my hand on the doorknob I turn around to look at her.

"Thank you mom, I'll never forget this," I smile at her

She smiled back, although I can see the pain in her eyes. With that I swing open the door and run out of the house, letting the door follow me. The cold sand runs through my feet, I forgot that I ran out of the house without shoes on during the initial fight. Running down to the spot I came from, I felt the rush of adrenaline. I didn't stop at the shore, I kept running. I went until I couldn't reach the ground anymore. I lifted my feet and started swimming further out. Once I got far enough I kept my head under the water, awaiting the surfer biker world to take me away. After about a minute of waiting, a wave finally came through sweeping me up and then the world goes black.

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