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Wilhelm POV

STUPID stupid stupid stupid. Why do I always mess things up. How could I never have told him! He deserved to know about August.

When he walked out I felt the familiar feeling of tears pricking my eyes.

I sat in my bed for a little while just thinking. I thought about when I hugged him. It was the best feeling. In that moment everything bad that had happened simply dissolved. I realized how much I had missed him, missed us.

He had ran after me. He saw that I was upset and he ran after me. He still cares!

But then I had remembered were weren't together anymore. "I don't want to be anyone's secret." I crossed his boundaries-

I quickly pulled away from the hug.

I sat in my bed thinking about that a little while longer until I felt my phone buzz in my pocket.

I ignored it.

Then it kept buzzing, over and over.

I picked it up out of annoyance and opened Instagram. There was a video that was just posted that countless people were tagging me in. I clicked on it.

It was Simon, he was with August. He was in the same outfit he was just a little bit ago so it had to have just happened.

I watched it through. The video started with august talking about... Sara? I wasn't sure what he was referencing but it was making Simon very mad.

Then Simon punched him. My eyes widened. He pushed August against the wall. And then August made a little speech.

My lips pressed into a thin line in anger. How DARE he insult Simon and his family like that. How dare he insult ME like that.  And how dare he insult us like that.  He has absolutely no place to say any of that; at least now I know what he really thinks.

Simon completely lost it. I saw him throw August to the ground and he began hitting him. Simon stop do you realize what you're doing??

"YOU RUINED US! DONT YOU UNDERSTAND WHAT YOU DID TO YOUR OWN COUSIN??" He shouted at him. He was talking about me. He was concerned for me

Through all of the time Simon hit him, August just laughed. How could he laugh!! Absolutely nothing about the situation was funny. I don't understand him.

Simon obviously noticed this to, he stood up. He said his final sentence.

"you will never experience love like him and I had; and that is more important than any amount of money, royalty, or fame."  That quite possibly could've been the most beautiful sentence I have ever heard.  He loved me.

Despite the hostility of the video a smile spread across my face.  My view of the phone became blurred as tears clouded my vision.  This single sentence gave me the realization that love is more important than duty. Love is one of the only things that can truly bring you happiness and there is no point to your duties if nothing brings you joy. 

I watched as Simon coldly told Sara to leave him alone and run away. The video ended once August shouted "SHOWS OVER"

-Time skip to the next morning-

I could barely sleep last night. Between all of the stress of the video and August my body was restless. It was almost 3am when I could fall asleep. I woke at 7:12, realizing I was very late for breakfast which ended at 7:30.

I threw on some clothes and walked down to the main hall. I filled my plate with some food and went to sit down at the table. The only open seat was at the very end right across from Simon.

I sat down. "Hi." I said to him.

He didn't answer for a moment, then looked up. "Hi." He returned. His eyes were slightly red and puffy with a very tired glow. He looked back down.

I cleared my throat. "I um, I saw a video of you and August yesterday..."

He looked back up and gave me a little smile.

I returned a bigger one.

We just looked at each other for a few moments. His smile dropped.

"Oh my god they posted it... oh my god headmistress is going to have proof I did that to August-" he started freaking out. "Oh no no no no now people know that it really was you in the video!  Everything is confirmed I- oh shit oh n-"

I cut him off by grabbing his hand from under the table.  He instantly stopped and looked me in the eye. I grabbed his other one as well and gave them both a squeeze.

"Shh shh. Simon it will be okay I promise. You will be okay."

"But... what about you? Everybody know it was you!"

"I will be fine. Did you mean everything you said in that video?"

He looked confused for a second, and looked around to see if anybody was paying attention to us.  They were all talking amongst themselves, we might as well have been invisible. "I meant every word."

"That last sentence you said, the one about him never being to experience what we had... really made me realize what we had." I tangled my feet with his. "I realize now that love is the most important thing, it stands above royalty and money.  There's no point in lying to the world if it doesn't make me happy. Simon, you make me happy."

He gave me the most adorable smile.  "Did you mean what you said that last day I saw you"

I smiled. "I meant every word."

He smiled even wider. "Did you mean what you said that day?" I asked him.

"Of course. Everyone knows that 'I hope you have a nice Christmas' is simply another Swedish way to say I love you."

We both laughed and squeezed each other's hands harder. In this moment it was only the two of us.

Until she walked in.

"Simon, I need you to come with me." Said headmistress.

"Is this about the video?" He hesitantly asked he he stood up.

"Yes. Now come with me."

"Headmistress everything that happened in the  video was because of me, I think I should be called in to." I stepped in.

"No Wilhelm, you were not in the video and you have done nothing wrong."

"Well can I just come to help back him up? Will you let me defend a fellow student?" I tried to sound as convincing as I could.

"Fellow student? I'm sorry Wilhelm but as of approximately 10 minutes ago Simon is no longer at student At Hillerska."

Mwahahah I'm cruel. That is all. I promise it will get better! Maybe.

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