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Wilhelm POV

I ran back to my window and climbed through, smiling like a little girl. The previous moment was surreal. Excitement surged through my body; I am going to fix everything.

Simon did what he did for me.  Everything that has happened is because of me and my cowardice.

I knew that because of the new video, I would soon be asked to be interviewed on the situation. This time, there is no way my mom can force me to lie.  I will tell the public that it was me in the video and I am currently with a boy.  I will also confirm to August posting it and hopefully he will get what he deserves.

It was so plain and easy! All I had to do was gather the courage to come out to the public. I could finally give Simon what I should have all those days ago.  I only needed to start now in case my mother made any moves to cover things up.

But alas... speak of the devil.  My phone buzzed.  "Mom" flashed across the screen as it continued to buzz when she called me.

Oh shit

I hesitantly picked up and answered. Before I could even say "hello?" She answered.

"Wilhelm I need you to listen to me.  I have deleted the video of August and that boy on all platforms.  The tech workers I hired have been working all night and day; it should be almost nonexistent.  I have no doubts that you will be asked to several interviews to make a statement. You will deny seeing the video and that there is still no proof it was you in the first one.  You will say you had no insight on anything August has done and the whole situation has not been very prominent to your concern because you have had nothing to do with it.  Do you understand me Wilhelm."

The video was gone?? She had already begun a cover up plan. Of course.

"Mom! Why is this still so important to cover up; It is now very obvious that it was me in the first video and August just publicly admitted to everything!"

"Because, Wilhelm.  Being a prince is a privilege, not a-"

"Punishment.  Yes, mom I get it!  But what in God's name does being a prince have to do with my sexuality? Whom I love?  I don't understand the point of putting duty first if it brings you no happiness."

She took a long pause.  "So you love him."

I paused as well.  "Yes.  I do."

"I see.  Do you know what this tells me Wilhelm? No matter what school you go to, it distracts you.  Whether it is getting into fights, drinking, drugs, romance, girls, boys... you will never truly see what is most important."  Those words hurt, coming from my own mother's mouth.

"You really are nothing like your brother.  He always put his duty and family above all else.  You only care about yourself."  And those words stung.

"No mom, YOU are the one who only cares about yourself!!  I am your son.  Actually, I am your only son.  And you're right, I am nothing like Erik.  ERIK IS GONE MOM!  You can't keep comparing me to him.  I am not Erik and I never will be despite your efforts to hide, ignore, and change my true self.  Me loving somebody else should not have anything to do with how I may perform with my royal duties regardless of their gender. You are the fucking queen of Sweden! Anything you say, goes.  So if you really cared even a little bit about my happiness you would allow me to love who I want and live my own life!"  I poured all of my thoughts from the last few months onto her.

I heard her take a deep inhale/exhale through the phone.  "Wille I do care about you... And that is why I'm pulling you out of that school to continue your studies at home with a private tutor.  IN time you will understand the importance of duty and tradition.  You will be doing everything I tell you to say at your next interview or I promise I will make sure that neither your or Simon ever return to Hillerska; even if that means sending you to an American school."

She truly didn't care.  This proved to me that she will never accept me or Simon and will do anything to hold our family to "tradition."

"Mother of the fucking year." And I hung up the phone.

I didn't care what she said.  I refuse to let Simon down again because of what my mother feels is best.  I tried to push down the ice cold feeling; I was a pathetic excuse for a son.  My own mother will go to any ends to "fix me" and hold the royal family to what she believes is right.

I thought it over for a little bit and put my plan together.  I picked up my phone and called the number for one of the main reporters of svt1.  

"Hello this is Alice Freya of svt1."  A young woman answered.

"Hello Alice, this is crowned prince Wilhelm and I would like to schedule a quick interview around lunch time tomorrow over a video recently posted and deleted.  Is there any way you can fit me in?  I would like to make a few public statements."

She made an excited noise. "Y-yes your highness!  Do you have a specific reporter you would like, a location, and a time?"

"I do not care who it is as long as it is on all news platforms and 11:45 in front of the main building of Hillerska Skolan please.  Thank you so much."

"Of course! We will see you tomorrow sir!"

"Great.  Goodbye Alice."


And with that I hung up the phone. I am finally going to show Simon off to the world.  It will prove my loyalty and love to Simon, my country, and my mother.

The hardest part of my plan was what to do after the fact.  I debated many options.. but this seemed to be the best one.  I never thought it would happen, but I am going to run away with Simon.

***Caution another long A/N.*** Omg I'm so glad it finally happened.  It was time for Wilhelm to give the queen what she deserves.  I literally hate her so much.  Like, more than August and that's really saying something.  And almost 500 reads WHAT?!!  I have been getting so many compliments on this fic you guys are actually the best.  I am LOVING the comments they make me smile so much. I made it to NUMBER TWO under the youngroyals tag omfg.  I can't tell you how happy I am about it.  Please don't forget to vote if you are enjoying I appreciate it so much. And I still can't express how cool I think it is that some of you live in countries I have only dreamt of visiting.  I have gotten to know some of you and am so glad for it PLEASEE dm me if  you want to talk about literally anything I would be overjoyed.  Also off topic but I'm saving up to buy a Hillerska Skolan hoodie I want one SO BAD.  If you guys were to get one (or if you already have one) would you get the Hillerska hoodie or the purple hoodie?  

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