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Simon POV

After what only felt like minutes of me resting on Wilhelm in the car in a comfortable silence, we arrived at a very small cabin (just as he had said) in the middle of the woods with a little pond.

"I had Axel here" he gestured to our driver as we were stepping out of the car "get our stuff from our rooms once we left for 'lunch' and bring it all here." He grabbed my hand and walked me to the door of the cabin. "Speaking of lunch..." He opened the door to reveal a table set for two with plates of spaghetti.

I would have kissed him right there.  But I was just to hungry.  Instead, I looked at him with a huge smile and squeezed his hand before practically sprinting to the table.  He closed the door behind him and walked over to the seat across from me.

There was so much to be said, but we just dug into the warm Latin-American food in front of us with no noise beside the clinking of forks against the porcelain plates. 

In almost no time I was done eating and I sat there waiting for Wille to finish his.  The silence was both comfortable and deafening.  As much as I wanted to sit there and eat my favorite food, stealing glances at the perfect human being that just so happened to be sitting across from me with our feet tangled together; there was an inevitable conversation looming over both of our minds.

Wilhelm took his last bite and set his fork down beside his bowl.  With his eyes glued to his hands that were fiddling with each other in his lap, he opened his mouth to speak.

"Simon... listen I-"

I cut him off. "I want you to know how proud I am of you."

He looked up from his lap.  I reached a hand out in front of me on the table and he did the same, intertwining our fingers.

"You showed so much courage, my prince charming. So much.  You taught the world a lesson today.  It couldn't have been more perfect."

He gave me a soft, loving smile.  Although, it quickly turned into a frown as he gulped down what seemed to be a lump forming in his throat.

"Simon I'm so so sorry it took this long.  I should have told the truth at that first interview.  I could have avoided everything.  I spent the entire break in a pool of tears thinking about what I did to you.  Because you deserved everything, I should have given you the world but I'm such a fucking idiot and a horrible-"

His voice cracked and a couple tears rolled down his face.  Before he could start back up a jumped out of my seat and rounded the table to sit next to him.

"No no no no no Wilhelm it's okay it's okay.  The past doesn't define who we are and who we are going to become.  Do you know how I know that? I am not anybody's secret anymore! You did what you couldn't before and that is all that matters.  We're back together and I am overjoyed to have you in my life.  You deserve the world just as much as I, please think about that as well!" 

I could see the emotions behind the wall of water clouding his eyes.  Regret, pain, and sadness were swimming within his tears of undying love.

I quickly went in and gave him a soft kiss and then rested my forehead against his.

"Don't you ever talk about yourself like that.  We did nothing wrong, you did nothing wrong.  Everything that has happened was supposed to." I breathed against him.

This time I went in and gave him a quick kiss.  His lips curved into a smile.  Tears of self hate turned into ones of affection.  

I sat there and took in the details of his face.  The way his lip curved upwards slightly, the acne imperfections that completed his ethereal glow, and the blond hair falling over his beautiful chocolate brown eyes.  I reached out a hand and brushed it away so I could truly look deep into his angelic gaze.  He melted into my touch.

"I love you so much." He wispered.

"I love you to."

He smiled again, and removed his forehead from mine.

"I promised I would tell you everything once we arrived. I planned to do the interiew and come back here after that was finished but after that, I really was not sure.  All I knew is that I had to make it so there was no way my mother could cover up the truth anymore.  She made a threat that..." He cleared his throat.  "She said if I didn't say what she wanted me to that she would make sure that you would never attend Hillerska or a school near the palace ever again and that I would be sent to a school in America."

He sighed.  "I wanted to think that it was a bluff, but I can't truly know.  If you would stay with me, I was hoping that we could remain here until I can find a way to convince my mother."

I nodded.  "Of course I will stay with you, it's not like I can return to Hillerska anyway." He gave me a weak, yet grateful smile.  "And that is horrible, Wille.  I am so sorry for what is happening with you and your mother.  I truly hope she comes to her senses."

He let out a breath.  "She tried to use Erik against me.  For now, this woman is not my mother." I wanted to cry at that statement.

I put a supporting arm on his shoulder. "I am here for.  I always will be."

He put his hand on top of mine and rested his head against it.  We sat there in a comfortable silence for what seemed like hours; just taking in the details of each other and sharing loving glances.

The entire day had taken so much out of the both of us, at some point we agreed to head to bed.

I crawled underneath the covers and felt Wille crawl in soon after as he wrapped his arms around me.

"If the world were to end tomorrow, at least I would know we had today." Wille said from behind me.  

I kissed his hand that I was holding and we slept the night away in each other's arms; knowing that everything would be okay as long as we had each other.

Okay so this was my favorite chapter I have written so far. NEARLY 1k READS AYEEE Also I wanted to shout out @luilesmeralda you are so nice omg

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