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Simon POV

Wilhelm always knew how to comfort me.  What had previously happened at headmistress's office had left me with sickly, anxious, dark feelings on an entirely new level.

The moment we sat on my bed I had wanted to throw myself into his arms... but the walls I spent all of break to build stopped me from doing so.  At least, until he spoke.  I let one of the doors to the boundaries fall when I clung to him, sobbing into his shoulder.

I was very hesitant at first for it was very out of context, but running into the field in the rain was a wonderful idea.  It worked absolutely perfectly.  I felt I couldn't have been happier as we were both yelling up to the sky.

And then he kissed me.  The moment he connected his lips to mine, I froze.  The burning jolt of pleasure  it caused began fighting to break through the walls.  He pulled away and looked me in the eye.  I studied his face for a second.

I spent so much energy into building these boundaries... I can't go along with this.  I made myself a promise.

Then I saw a look of regret, laced with hurt and confusion flash through his eyes.   He removed his hands from my cheeks.

Fuck it.  I can't seem to keep myself from him.

I threw my arms around his neck and pulled his lips back onto mine.  The walls I spent so much of my energy putting up crumbled, and vanished.  I was wrong, I could feel happier.  This was my happiest moment.  

The next few minutes were perfect.  I wished for it never to end.  

But then he pulled away.

With his hands on my shoulders he told me "I have an idea.  I don't want to say what it is yet but I must start arranging things now if it is to work.  I'm going to get you through this, my love.  Everything is going to be okay."

He kissed me one last time and took off running to his room window.

I should have been very confused.  But the only thing I could think about was "my love."  Butterflies swarmed my stomach at those words. My love. My love. My love. It replayed in my head.  His love. I was his love.  Not anybody else, me.  I was the prince of Sweden's love.

A giddy smile spread across my face as I ran both of my hands through my hair.  I threw my arms behind me and shouted up at the sky one last time before I walked (almost skipped) back to my window.

I changed into a set of dry clothing and threw myself on my bed.  I layed there staring at my ceiling, my mind replaying the last half hour over and over.  My thoughts were plagued by images of him.  It was truly a school girl's romance.

I thought about what he meant in that last thing he said to me, about getting me through this.  Did he have a plan? 

I spent the rest of my day (since I could not attend classes) wandering around my room tidying up random things while thinking about what Wille could be planning.  I filled my time with meaningless things until I fell into a blank-minded sleep.


I awoke the next morning to the sound of my phone buzzing.  My face lit up at the sight of "Wilhelm" on the screen.  I opened his text. It said:

W: Good morning, love.  I am skipping breakfast today because there is a few things I need to take care of.  As much as I would like to I cannot spend the day with you because I must attend today's classes after skipping yesterday.  But, If you are up to it I would like to meet you at your room at around 11:30 when my class ends to walk you to lunch.  I have a few things to ask you.

S: That sounds great, see you at 11:15! And wow, I am not often referred to as 'love' 

W: Well get used to it ;)

I smiled.  Oh things he does to me.


Before I knew it, the time was 11:31 and there was knocking on my door.  I opened it almost instantly and greeted Wilhelm  who gave me a quick peck on the lips.  He took my hand in his and in this moment I knew, things would be different this time.

He walked me down the hall but rather than taking a right to where meals are held, he went out one of the side doors.

"Um... you realize you just went outside right" I said to him.  He stopped.

"Yes, we are walking somewhere before we get our food.  You will know in a little bit but first I have a question to ask you."

I gave him a very confused glance and then nodded for him to continue.

"Would you run away with me?"


"I bought a small cabin about 10 miles from here and I would like you to keep me company for a few weeks."

He was joking, right?  I decided to go along with it and give him a sarcastic answer. "Why yes, that sounds wonderful."

His face lit up.  "Really?! Wow I was afraid it would take more than that to convince you.  Thank you so much I will explain everything later.  But right now we need to g-"

He wasn't kidding. "Oh my god you are serious.  Wille are you crazy?!"

"Maybe just a little... Listen I know it sounds completely insane but do you trust me?  I promise everything will work out in the end I just need you to trust me."

I couldn't believe what he was saying.  "You know what fine.  Yes.  Sure I will."

He beamed me a smile and grabbed my hand, practically dragging me.  "Thank you so so much now we must hurry because we only have a little over 2 minutes until we're live."

"Wait what?? 2 minutes until WHAT?! Wilhel-"

"Hello prince Wilhelm! You and Simon can come stand right over here; we start rolling in about a minute."  Said young lady, gesturing to a spot front and center of the doors to the school.

"Thank you so much for squeezing us in at the last second, Alice."

"Of course! Anytime your highness.  Elias here will be interviewing you."

My face paled when I saw that the man, Elias, had a jacket with "SVT1" on it.  We were going on live television.  For the entire country.

I shook Wille's arm a little bit.  "Wilhelm what the hell are we-"

"Okay we're on in 5" Alice said .

"Please just trust me. I am sorry for not giving you a heads up."


"I don't understand, what are you going to say?"


"I am going to fix everything, okay?" 


"Wilhelm-" He shushed me and plastered on a smile.

" And 1"

I am just going to say I am so exited for the next chapter.  I need to sleep because it is almost 2am and I need to wake up in 6 hours to go on a golfing trip (of all things.)I'm gonna write it tomorrow  at some point I'm soooo sorry to leave it on a cliffhanger...  Well not really ;)

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