𝙲𝚑𝚊𝚙𝚝𝚎𝚛 4.

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They all walked into the city talking ranboo fidgeting with his hands nervously, he hasn't been in a public space like..ever. He's only talked to dream,George and sapnap once even Drista but it wasn't a long conversation maybe like a small talk. Is how he described it.

"Ey boss man you alright?" Tubbo nudged ranboo as ranboo flinched and looked down at him

"I'm alright just anxious..." Ranboo whispered looking around as tubbo and Tommy looked at eachother
"Well you want to meet phil and techno? Their both really nice! Trust me you'll like them" Tommy trying to shift the awkward mood as ranboo just nodded when they headed to the lab and entered it the sounds of metal banging on metal and screeching noises immediately going into ranboo's ears as he flinched at the loud noises walking past and following Tommy and tubbo's fast speed as they arrived at a winged man and a masked man with brown and slightly pink dyed hair
"Phil phil! Look who we broughtttt!!" Tommy made a performance entrance for ranboo as he stood there nervously.
Phil and techno staring
"Ah! You must be ranboo! I've heard a bit about you. Me and techno would like to have a talk aswell, maybe now?" Phil brought out his hand as ranboo shook it
"..I..I mean sure we can right now if you guys don't mind..." Ranboo looked at tubbo and Tommy as the two boys looked back
"We don't mind boss man! Go on talk with em we'll stay right here waiting for you!" Tubbo said as he and Tommy stood next to eachother watching ranboo and the two others walk into the office room.

"Are you sure he'll be fine in there?" Tubbo asked the blonde
"I sure hope so."

"So ranboo was it. What's your ID code?" Phil asked sitting down techno standing next to him pointing to a chair infront of the desc as ranboo awkwardly sat down

"3|\|D3R I like to go by R@nB0• tho..."
The dirty blonde boy said as he started fidgeting in the chair being slightly uncomfortable

"What type of robot were you built as?" Phil said writing down the boys ID code on a sticky note infront of him

"...assistant and fighting robot." The boy said shrinking into the chair staying still after the masked man death glared him.

"Mhm..mhm. Alright last question, who built you?" He made eye contact with the boy infront of him
The boy stared at him shrinking into the chair even more starting to breathe heavily. He gave no answer after Phil asked again.
The winged man looked over at the man next to him and signaled him to let ranboo leave
"Alright ranboo, you can leave it's fine. You can tell me after we get more in touch alright? You can go back to the other two now" Phil gestured to the door as techno walked over to ranboo as the boy stood up getting walked to the door by the masked man

"Don't do anything shitty." The masked man warned him before ranboo left and the door shut behind him, the boy quickly rushed to the two
Boys as he saw them sitting at a table laughing their ass off, sitting next to them quickly as he tried calming down.

"So how'd it go big man?" Tommy asked as he looked over

"H-huh? O-oh! It went fine! That pig masked dude scared me a lot tho..." Ranboo said his breath still not having calmed down as tubbo and Tommy looked at eachother and slightly laughed
"Yea techno has that impact on people! Don't worry he's a pretty nice guy after you get to know him more" Tommy said laying his feet down on the table

"Tommy! Stop that." A man in a yellow sweater said walking over to the table
"What you gonna do if I don't?" Tommy said looking over at the man as ranboo slightly looked up.
The man had brown hair with a blue strand, some white hair here and there. Wearing a yellow sweater with blue jeans and a red beanie on.
"I'll give you house arrest."
The man threatened
"Nooooo not againnnn..."
Tommy complained immediately putting his feet down from the table whining and begging the man to not give him house arrest
The man just rolled his eyes and then stared at ranboo as ranboo flinched after feeling a finger on his shoulder looking next to him. Tubbo had gotten closer to him as he smiled at the dirty blonde boy
"Ey boss man, calm down your breathing way to fast" he said as he patted Ranboos back as ranboo nodded and inhaled and exhaled slowly looking back at the man that was having an argument with Tommy by now
"Urgh your such a childdd" the man said pushing Tommy away, and he looked at the dirty blonde boy once again
"Oh! I didn't see you there! So sorry-
My names wilbur! Wilbur soot! What's your name?" The man said as he smiled
Ranboo perked up "my names ranboo, also you have a nice name!" Ranboo said as he laughed slightly trying to come off as less awkward
"Well boys it's getting late...sooo time for me to go, and your little friend should be going home now too" wilbur said as he pointed at the time

"Yea yea will just leave already we can solve this alone you know?" Tommy exclaimed groaning in annoyance at wilburs presence
"Blah blah blah! 'We can handle this alone' last time you said that you exploded a robot cat." Wilbur mocked Tommy
"EY! It wasn't my fault! Tubbo had the great idea to put a bomb in it!" Tommy complained
"I did not!" Tubbo yelled from across the table
"Alright guys please..I really do have to go dre-...sOMEONE is waiting for me at MY placeeeee" Ranboo stopped himself mid-sentence as he stood up
"Awh alright big man. You want us to lead you?" Tommy asked as the stood up aswell
"No I'll be fine..." Ranboo said
"Yea no, ranboo I'm driving you home. At this time you might get something stolen from you. Or yourself ya know?" Wilbur laughed getting his coat and keys
"Oh..alright thanks Wilbur" Ranboo smiled as he waved goodbye to the two boys and walked outside with Wilbur to his car and got inside
"So where do you live?" Wilbur asked starting the car
"At the abandoned village at the end second building in" Ranboo said as he looked at the side window
"Ah! Where dream lives! You his secret brother or something?" Wilbur asked starting to drive looking at the road as ranboo choked on the air
"Y-you know dream?!" Ranboo said surprised
"Ofc I know him! We're good friends! Best friends! We've known eachother since we were teens just like you and the other two!" Wilbur laughed as he continued to drive
"Oh...he never told me.." Ranboo said
"He never told me about you so I guess we both have something in common on that one Dont we?" Wilbur said as he continued on
"Yea I guess so" Ranboo laughed
"So what name did he actually give you" Wilbur said
"...Ender. I hate it he didn't even ask me he just called me that immediately" Ranboo sighed
"Ah, yea he can be like that sometimes. " Wilbur said stopping the car
"Well we're here mr.boo" Wilbur said as ranboo looked at the house and opened the car door
"Thanks for the ride Wilbur" Ranboo said as he got out
"No problem! Hope I'll see you tomorrow. Raaaanboo" Wilbur said as they both laughed and waved goodbyes as ranboo got inside immediately getting slammed against the wall by dream
"Who was that?!" Dream screamed at the boy against the wall slightly shaking
"W-Wilbur..he said you know him..." Ranboo said getting away from the wall and dream
"Ah. Good. No one else follow correct?" Dream said as he gave ranboo a box
"Yea no one else...and what's this?" Ranboo asked as he looked at the package in his hands
"A gift." Dream said as he walked to the living room where sapnap was currently at with patches as ranboo just nodded and walked to his room and shut the door locking it.
Ranboo put down the box on his table and changed to his more comfortable clothes taking off the glasses and mask as he picked up the box and sat on his bed.
He wondered what it could be as he opened the package, finding two rings with a letter. He started reading the letter
"There two rings are supposed to give you safety and protection everytime your outside. I worry about you, a lot you know? I may act harsh but that's just because I want you to man up more, you act so defenseless I've trained you better and you know that so show it sometime. Also if Wilbur isn't able to drive you home tomorrow you can sleep over by those two. I'd be more clever so I can spy on them better. I hope you won't so bad.
-dream(aka your beloved brother :) )"
Ranboo just looked at the letter scrunching it up to a ball and throwing it at the wall and put the rings on his table next to his bed laying down.
It's been way to long of a day to think about anything revolving around dream as he slowly started to fall asleep....

(To be continued!!)

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