End of Volume 2

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Hello everyone. This is again Suzyrana at your service.

So, this is it. Krist's story had come to the end. His journey is surely still ongoing but for a story/fic, there's always an ending to be made. I'm returning this Krist of Swapped AU back to his life with his beloved hehe. I hope you enjoy the story and I haven't disappoint anyone... if there's someone, I apologize. I'm actually sad to part with this story thou. I feel weird that after this chapter updated, I won't do editing, reviewing and planning on updates for this story anymore. I can't believe that the story became quite big (a series) and I managed to finish it just from my 'What if Krist watched Untamed' 555 (but regarding this, did P'Singto ended up watching Untamed? Remember his IG story last time 555). Anyway, I'm not sure if you're going to follow me to the next volume, vol 3 on Zhan's story. So, at this point, let me put final words for this story first.

Thank you for reading, liking and leaving support on this story. I surely have enjoy my time writing this story and finally sharing it with small confident. I don't think there's many people reading this story at this point but for all people that have been stopping by (at this moment or in the future), thank you for giving this story a chance. I hope it will worth your time ^^ For all mistakes spotted, please forgive my shortcomings and you're welcomed to point it out in the comment. If there's anything unclear regarding Krist's story, you can drop a comment here, I will answer it for you. Once again, thank you so much.

For vol 3, Zhan's story. Vol 3 start is not exactly picked up from vol 1 because Zhan's part will need an introduction of how everything started for his story as in vol 1, Zhan finally feel his Wangji (Yibo) after playing Wangxian with Krist so it will be retold of how it became like that. And as you read in epilogue of vol 2, well you already got a spoiler for vol 3 direction hehe. 

Okay, I have ramble again eh. Vol 3, Zhan story, will be upload when I got my cover poster ready from my lovely 0062. If you're interested in vol 3, can wait for it. Till then.

See ya ^^

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