Love is Love

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Love is hard to find 

Sometimes, taking years to retrieve it

So why all the diversity 

In this society 

How am I to hate 

A bond 

That could be fate

Between two people 

That happen to be the same gender 

Don't try to fight it 

And baby doll don't hide it 

Embrace who you are 

Every relationship is a precious thing 

Love is love 

It knows no gender 

It knows no race 

Don't be a disgrace 

By judging other's mates 

Girls lLoving girls 

That's Alright with me

Boy loving boys 

Don't make any difference to me 

You see

Love isn't based on one mentality 

Isn't based on a gender

Or just one race 

Love who your heart desires 

Do it till the hate tires

Don't judge her for loving her

Or him for loving him 

Because together 

They'll watch the world burn

While you're still figuring it out 

You're fighting for straight rights 

They are cuddled 

Every single night 

While you preach your Bible lines 

They are on a date 

Not worrying about 

What you may say 

Or think

Because they get to wake up 

In each others arms every day

Take my advice 

Live your own life 

Stop worrying who loves who 

If you're not for it 

Just don't be against it 

Let the love birds 

Fly free

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