Chapter 4: Conflict

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Ahsoka and Lux walked into the cockpit laughing with each other. "I'm fine thank you, Mr. Reckless. Honestly Lux, what were you thinking? You could've gotten killed!" Ahsoka scolded him as she sat down in the pilot seat however Lux could tell that her reprimand was given out of concern for his safety. It made him smile.

Lux put his hands up in surrender as he joined her in the co-pilot seat. "Okay, okay, it wasn't a perfect plan. Still, I got what I wanted." Lux put his hands behind his head and his legs up against the dashboard.

Ahsoka glared at him and rolled her eyes. "This is your ship and R2 is flying, I assume you're just getting comfortable. Do you have any respect for what you buy? Or can you just buy another ship? What did you get? Where are we going anyway?" Ahsoka patted R2 on the head as he beeped in frustration at Lux's attitude.

Lux looked over at Ahsoka and smiled. "You ask a lot of questions, 'Soka. I'll answer them in order: Yes, yes, Dooku's location, it's a surprise! R2 can you put in the coordinates for the Prefsbelt sector? Thank you." He looked over at Ahsoka and realised she was frowning. "What's wrong? Have I spolied the surprise?" He looked so concerned that Ahsoka couldn't help but laugh.

"No, no, you haven't spolied the surprise. I'm not familiar with that sector. Why did you need Dooku's location though?" Ahsoka inquired however Lux's silence made her worried. "Lux, what are we doing? Where are we going?!" She felt herself getting annoyed by his defiance in answering the questions and was about to press the issue when the holo-transmitter beeped. Someone was trying to contact them.

Ahsoka answered it and the worried face of her Master Anakin Skywalker appeared before them. "Hey Snips, Senator Amidala just called me. She said that the peace talks are in shambles, where are you?" He folded his arms across his chest with an eyebrow raised.

"I'm in a ship just outside Mandalore with R2 and Lux Bonteri. What should we do next?" Ahsoka asked her Master but turned her head back to Lux when he began to speak.

"Master Jedi, I apologise for any trouble I may have caused." Ahsoka smiled because she liked Lux when he was sincere.

Still, she was quick to reassure him. "No Lux, it's no trouble at all." However as she was comforting him, both teens missed the smirk that Anakin gave them.

He cleared his throat and continued. "Ahsoka is right, it is no trouble and the Republic will treat you well. We can get you amnesty, Ahsoka bring Lux Bonteri back to Coruscant." Anakin ordered them. Ahsoka nodded and R2 put the new coordinates in. Lux however was quietly stewing as he would never join the Republic even if he hated the Separatists. His family hadn't been exactly wrong in their beliefs about the Republic, Ahsoka was prove that there was some truth in what they told him.

Anakin ended the transmission and Lux took this opportunity to make sure Ahsoka knew how he felt. He rapidly stood up and pulled the blaster he had kept in his pocket out and aimed it at his very confused friend. "LUX! What are you doing?!" Ahsoka asked him feeling slightly as though she didn't know him anymore.

"I'm not going to Coruscant Ahsoka, I'm not joining the Republic! I have a plan to avenge my Mother!" Lux was extremely passionate about this and it showed to Ahsoka greatly but this was getting to a point where it was frightening her.

Ahsoka turned her fear into annoyance and decided to disarm her grieving friend. With a quick jab to the stomach Lux was hunched over and his grip looser; making it easy for Ahsoka to hold the blaster herself. "You may have a plan Lux but shooting me is not going to be a part of it. I understand that you miss your Mother and I'm really sorry she's gone but haven't we had this discussion before. On Raxus, I thought I'd helped you." She was genuinely concerned for her friend and Ahsoka hoped to get through to Lux but he was closing himself from her. "What are you doing Lux? I won't ask again."

Lux looked dead ahead into the inky blackness of space. "I've made contact with a group of people who share my cause and are happy to help me succeed." He told her sharply.

"And what cause is that?" Ahsoka was almost afraid to find out the answer.

Lux frowned and the rage inside him fired up again as he told her. "To kill Dooku."

He turned his head sharply when he heard Ahsoka scoff as though it was a ridiculous idea. "To kill him? Lux the only one who you're going to kill is yourself. I'm sorry but I'm not taking you to Carlac; I won't take you to Coruscant either. Where else would you like to go? You can't go through with this plan Lux, you're a politician, not a fighter. You will get yourself killed." Lux cut her off with a growl as he slammed his hands down on the dashboard!

"You keep telling me that but I don't care! There is no one left alive who loves me, my family is dead Ahsoka Tano! Dead because of this stupid war, dead because your precious Republic created killers who see Battle Droids and Separatist supporters as the same thing. Something to be eliminated! And where are you and the rest of the Jedi?! Hiding away in your beloved Temple saying that the mysterious Force stops you from interfering. Oh yes, you all have each other to considered a family. But so called "Peacekeepers" are generals in a war, killing innocents and ruining lives! Sounds to me like your the villains." Lux was full on shouting at her now and Ahsoka knew that no weapon could hurt her as much as Lux's words did. She curled herself into a ball on her seat as her eyes stung with tears. Why was Lux being so cruel?

Ahsoka managed to find her voice to say one thing. "I would care if you died. I love you." Her voice cracked as she spoke but Ahsoka didn't care.

Lux however didn't seem to share her beliefs. "Really?! Wow! Great, still no one loves me." His words were like the sharpest stab wound inflicted upon her being doused in acid rain. Ahsoka found that her cheeks were wet with tears and tried to dry them without Lux seeing. Unfortunately he saw and sighed as he stood in front of her. "I don't mean that you are no one 'Soka but Jedi aren't allowed to love so it makes little difference in the grand scheme of things. We had this discussion before on Raxus as well." He leaned forward and placed a kiss in-between her diamond facial markings. "Look I'm sorry if I startled you, I've just been holding in a lot of anger. I know you would care if I died, I do. So I won't go through with this plan. There are sleeping quarters behind us just to the right of the hole leading down to the escape pods. Why don't you go and take a lie down to clear your mind? I'll take us to a nice planet where we can talk all this out, how does that sound?" Lux was holding hands with her now and a moment to herself that would comfort her and allow her to process everything seemed very appealing to Ahsoka.

Wiping her eyes Ahsoka stood up and hugged Lux, her head resting on his shoulder and her hands wrapped around his neck. Lux smiled and kissed the tip of her monstral while his hands stroked her back lek and the bare skin on her back. He felt her relax greatly and breathe into his neck before she pulled away from him and went in search of the sleeping quarters. Lux heard the door open and close and looking at the camera he could see that she was in the right room. Lux then turned it off to give her some privacy.

R2 suddenly chirped at him, causing Lux to jump out of his skin and have a mini heart attack. "R2! You scared me! What is it?" The droid whirred at him as R2 explained his point of view to the angry Senator. "Yes, yes, I know. No I'm not going to betray my word to Ahsoka. I'm going to deliver us to a different planet where we will talk our differences out. Like I said. Now why don't you power down buddy? You've done a great job of flying, I can take it from here." Lux's power of persuasion worked on droids as well and pretty soon R2 was powered down.

The young Senator sighed and thought for a moment before resting his head in his hands. He knew what he had to do. Activating the anti-gravity thrusters on R2, Lux pushed him along to an escape pod where Lux prepped it for flight. Then his next job was Ahsoka: Checking that the feisty Togruta was asleep, Lux crept in next to her and picked her up bridal style. Ahsoka's head rolled onto his chest as her tears were still evident. "Sorry 'Soka." Lux whispered to her as he carried her into the escape pod and strapped her in gently to the seat. He'd put the pod on autopilot back to Coruscant so she and R2 would be fine. With a heavy heart Lux walked back to the cockpit and sat in the captain seat. With a moment of hesitation he sighed before pushing the eject button. He saw the pod shoot out into the abyss of space before it activated and started making its way to Coruscant. Then Lux prepped the hyperdrive and disappeared off to Carlac. Ahsoka Tano and Lux Bonteri were separated once more...

I hope you enjoyed this chapter, it was very fun to write and I enjoyed it. I probably won't update this week until the weekend as I'm going on holiday. I might but chances are that I won't. Bye, bye.

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