Chapter 18: 'Till Death Do Us Part

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Ahsoka and Lux followed Cehla into their ship and walked into the seating area. The ship had cream coloured flooring with golden trims running along the cream leather walls and plush red chairs. There was a circular magenta rug in between those chair and lights installed into the ceiling. "Wow!" Ahsoka breathed, spinning slowly in a circle. "Your ship is incredible! I wasn't aware that it was so fancy!" She flopped down on one chair and sighed happily. Lux laughed, Cehla smiled and they heard Lor growl from inside the cockpit. 

Cehla tutted and turned to her fellow Togruta. "I am extremely disappointed in my husband so allow me to apologise again for his behaviour. It was very difficult for him after Luthor died but I would never use that as an excuse to speak to people in that manner! Lux dear, is there anything that you want? Ahsoka?" Cehla seemed to enjoy having new company and wanted to atone for her husband's outburst.

Ahsoka and Lux shook their heads. "No thank you, Auntie. Ahsoka, you do want to go back to Coruscant, yes?" Lux asked her as he sat down next to her. Ahsoka looked over at Lux; she knew what he was asking her: Did she want to stay with him? If Ahsoka was completely honest with herself then the answer would always and forever be yes. She loved Lux so much that it was almost too much and Ahsoka would do anything for them to be together. Yet she knew that she would always be a Jedi, always return to the Temple, always follow the Code. There was nothing either one could do about it. Ahsoka was the Jedi and Lux was the Senator. You can't change fate. Reluctantly, Ahsoka nodded rather sadly and Lux understood for he had expected that answer. "Very well then, I'll go and tell my Uncle to take you back to Coruscant in case he thought of changing course and I'll return to Mandalore. I liked it there." Lux stood up and walked into the cockpit where his furious uncle was waiting.

Ahsoka looked at Cehla. "How did you two meet?" She was curious to see how their relationship began if Lor was really rather temperamental.

Cehla laughed and it was warm and welcoming that made Ahsoka smile as well. "Like Dooku said, Lor was a Captain in the Onderonian Royal Guard. It was a huge honour and one that Lor was extremely proud of. When I was twenty-three, the Onderonian Royal family came to see my monarchy and Lor was one of the soldiers to accompany them. I was a handmaiden to the Princess Zessa and I introduced everyone and offered to guide the guards around the palace. Lor was a very handsome young man who was brave, selfless and kind. He stole my heart and I found myself spending more time with the soldiers than the Princess. She didn't mind though, we had known each other for years and was happy that I had found romance in my life. She gave me an extremely generous sum of money as a thank you and good luck for the past and the present. That money gave us these nice clothes, a lovely ship, a beautiful house and the necessary expenses to cover Lor's injuries." Cehla smiled as she remembered the past. Ahsoka liked this story and tried to imagine a fancy, lovestruck Cehla in her twenties along with a hopeful and keen Lor. It was difficult and proved that time had changed them.

"When Luthor died, I think that Lor began consumed by grief. He felt as though he had let him down by not finding a way to reconcile sooner." Cehla had continued as Lux walked back in. He looked over at Ahsoka for guidance as to the topic and she mouthed 'Lor', pointing in his direction inside the cockpit. Lux nodded and smiled, sitting down next to her. "It took a while for Lor to begin to heal. Luthor meant a lot to him, being his brother and Lor quit being Captain as it reminded him too much of him. I have noticed that in the last year and few months that his temper has increased but I've helped him as best I can though this difficult time. I'm sure Ahsoka, that Luthor, Mina and Melissa are grateful to you for being there for Lux when he needed you." Cehla hugged her and Ahsoka could feel a lump in her throat rising: This woman barely knew her but was reassuring her that Lux's family would be indebted to her for being a good friend and kind person to their relative. Another thought, bitter though, wormed it's way into her head: Sure she had been there for Lux after Mina died and she had helped him but that had kind of been overshadowed by the discovery of the 'Legat' prophecy. Ahsoka hadn't been there for Lux when his sister died or when his Father died. She hadn't been there when Death Watch manipulated Lux into joining them and was only actually here to stop him making this mistake by accident. In all honesty, she hadn't really been there for Lux at all.

Lux didn't seem to think so as when Cehla pulled away, he stood up and offered the younger Togruta his hand. Grinning, Ahsoka accepted it as Cehla gave them both a smile and some privacy by going into the cockpit to see her husband. Lux held Ahsoka close and wrapped his other arm around her waist, stroking her cheek with his other one. "Have I ever told you how beautiful you are, 'Soka?" He asked her against her monstral, bringing her face to rest in the crook of his neck.

Ahsoka nodded. "Once or twenty billion times." She heard Lux chuckle and moved her face away from his neck to look him in the eye. "Lux, you know that I'll be with you in a heartbeat or just always there. I need you. I love you and I want to keep you safe." Ahsoka rested her forehead against his and sighed.

Lux moved his hand from her cheek to underneath her chin. Tilting her head upwards so he could drown in her gorgeous blue eyes, Lux grinned at her. "I know. I hope that you know that I would follow you to the end of the Galaxy and protect you until the end of time." They didn't say anything else and simply kissed, filled with pure passion, joy, love and safety.

I'm so sorry that this update is coming a day late. I have had a slight cold over the weekend and didn't have the energy to update yesterday. I'll be back on track though, don't worry. I hope you enjoyed this chapter, I'll update soon. Bye, bye.

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