Chapter 21: Welcome Home

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Ahsoka was sat in the escape pod thinking about Lux when a sudden thought hit her. "R2! I left him on the ship! Anakin's going to kill me! Ohhhhh. This is bad! Very bad!" Ahsoka slumped down and sighed. This day was going from worse to hell-like. Ahsoka looked up around her and realised that she was overreacting: R2 could take care of himself and Lux would look after him; the little, blue R2 unit would be fine. 

"BEEEEEEP!" A shrill noise echoed through the pod, scaring the hell out of Ahsoka. R2 was holding onto the outside of the escape pod, tapping on the glass to get Ahsoka to let him in. 

Ahsoka jumped to her feet and held onto a pipe. Pressing the button that opens the hatch, an immense sense of joy at seeing the reckless droid again. After a moment R2 was inside, the hatch closed and Ahsoka was hugging the little, blue droid to death. "R2! I'm so pleased to see you! How did you get here?" Ahsoka began to check the unit over for any damages while he beeped indignantly at being left on the outside of escape pod. "I know, I know. I'm sorry. How did you even manage to get onto the outside of the escape pod?" Now that Ahsoka thought about it, she hadn't seen R2 for a while.

R2 looked at her and then activated his holo-projector. He and Eek had gone straight into the cockpit to debate over the destinations of their passengers. They had seen Lor come storming in and opening a bottle of Parkellan Sling, downing it in one. They saw Cehla come in to tell Lor off more for the way he treated Ahsoka and Lor hide the bottle in a spare compartment under his seat. After Cehla had finished speaking, Lor nodded and looked sincere before kissing her; poisoning her with the ingredients from the drink! Ahsoka slammed her first against the steel walls of the escape pod. "That son of a! He deliberately tried to poison his wife! Plus! He tried to blame it on me! How in the galaxy can Lux be related to that... that... Villian!" Ahsoka was furious, how dare he try to silence a woman who he loved and wanted him to be a better person! "How did you know to go here though?" Ahsoka asked R2. He beeped his answer in time to the hologram playing before them. After Lor and Lux had gone into the main room after Cehla screamed, R2 and Eek knew that something was wrong and Eek advised his new friend to be ready in case of an emergency exit. "I'm sorry that I dragged you into this crazy adventure buddy. I really hope that Lux is okay though. Lor wouldn't hurt him, would he?" Ahsoka was suddenly worried for the safety of her friend before she burst into laughter. Over the last week or so, she hadn't done anything but worry over Lux; he may not be a fighter but he could certainly take care of himself. "Come on R2, we're going home." Ahsoka smiled and hugged the droid.


Back on Coruscant, Anakin Skywalker and Obi-wan Kenobi were standing in the Jedi Temple gardens. They were meditating in order to try and sense Ahsoka out in the galaxy and try and soothe Anakin who was extremely worried about her. He'd stopped eating, drinking and sleeping. He was neglecting himself and Obi-wan wouldn't stand for it. "Master! Master! I sense her! Ahsoka! She's on her way back here! Yes! She's alive!" Anakin sprung up from his crossed-legged position and ran along to the Jedi's personal landing pad. Obi-wan smiled at the enthusiasm his friend held and while he was excited to see Ahsoka after a week he was cautiously optimistic as to what state she might be in. 

They weren't the only ones it seemed who'd sensed Ahsoka's arrival as many Jedi had come to greet their returning Padawan. Master Plo Koon, Aayla Secura, Shaak Ti, Luminara, Mace Windu and Yoda had all turned up. Anakin completely ignored them however and ran straight into the centre of the landing platform to see Ahsoka's pod come into view. She landed spectacularly and he felt a surge of pride and happiness at the prospect of how much she had grown. Obi-wan felt no desire to remind Anakin that he'd spent the past week fretting over her like she was a little kid. The escape pod hatch opened and Ahsoka and R2 came out. "AHSOKA!" Anakin yelled and wrapped her tightly up in a bone-crushing hug. 

Ahsoka laughed and she returned the hug. "Hey Skyguy! I've missed you too. Hello Masters, it's so good to see you to. I haven't worried you all have I?" Ahsoka really hated worrying or disappointing her Masters and she knew what Anakin could get like.

Obi-wan stepped forward with a smile. "No, Ahsoka, you haven't worried us too much. We knew that you could take care of yourself; well almost all of us." He inclined his head to the young adult human male who was cuddling a blue R2 unit. "How was your little escapade? Did you accomplish everything you needed to?" He was curious as to the details of Ahsoka's adventures much like the other Jedi present. 

Ahsoka stopped comforting her Master and turned towards her other mentors. "My journey was a success I believe. I accompanied ex-Separatist Senator Lux Bonteri to Carlac where we encountered a Death Watch camp. In that camp there was the leader Pre Vizla and his second-in-command Bo Katan who were terrorising the peaceful Ming Po people. Lux, R2 and myself helped to free the slaves they were keeping hostage however Death Watch burnt their village to the ground. I revealed myself as a Jedi when I was defending them and Death Watch took us back to their camp for execution. R2 had been in charge of repairing droids for target practice and used them to help us escape. Lux and I made it to the ship with R2 but our diversion yo escape failed and we crashed in an escape pod, landing in a frozen ice cave. There we met another droid who we called Eek and he helped us leave Carlac by signalling for his owners." Ahsoka stopped for a moment to gather her thoughts and decided against mentioning that they were Lux's relatives. "They took Lux back to Mandalore and gave me an escape pod to take here. I'm sorry, I know that you wanted me to bring Lux here but he has mixed feelings about the Republic." Ahsoka really hoped that they had actually bought Lux to Mandalore otherwise Ahsoka could see herself going on another wild goose chase around the galaxy for that blasted Senator. That Senator with gorgeous hair and eyes, beautiful skin and lovely toned muscles. He had a kind heart, big dreams, a broken family and a voice that sounded like smooth, rich caramel... Ahsoka stopped herself. She wouldn't allow herself to fantasize over Lux in front of her fellow Jedi with her mind shields down.

Mace Windu gave her a small, rare, smile. "Well Padawan Tano, I think I speak for everyone when I say that we are very happy to have you back. Welcome home." 

I hope you liked this chapter and I'm sorry it has come a day late. I enjoyed writing the recap of the last few chapters. I'll update soon, on my usual schedule. Bye, bye.

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