Chapter 19: Padawan Old and New

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Anakin was freaking out! Okay, that was nothing new to his old Master Obi-wan Kenobi. Anakin had often panicked over the smallest things and was regularly obsessed with tiny details. Yet this time it was different, it wasn't his Mother or Padme that Anakin was worried about but his Padawan. Ahsoka was often being looked after by her Master so on paper this may not seem like a big deal to the Jedi Council however Obi-wan knew better. He had stopped eating, drinking and sleeping which meant that Ahsoka had been gone with no communication for some time. If that was the case then Obi-wan felt entitled to panic as well however he was much better at hiding his fear. 

"Anakin, stop pacing! Ahsoka will be fine! Just think through the facts: When did you last have contact with her? Where was she going?" Obi-wan asked his anxious friend while he tried to reassure him. 

Anakin stopped suddenly, eyes narrowed. "Bonteri." Anakin hissed the name out venomously. "He was with her. I bet that he has done something! She could be in really danger and we won't know at all!" Anakin began to hyperventilate so Obi-wan can him a paper bag.

"Ahsoka is a Jedi. If Lux did try to hurt her then Ahsoka will put him in his place. She can look after herself Anakin, you know that." Obi-wan had a lot of patience for Anakin but sometimes it was difficult to constantly remind him of basic facts. Anakin stopped hyperventilating and removed the bag from his mouth, scowling at his former Master. Sulking at being put in his place, the younger Jedi flopped down onto his bed.

Obi-wan smiled for it amused him to catch a glimpse of the small boy he had met on Tatooine. Anakin had come a long way from a slave boy with a big heart and dreams. Of course not all the changes had been positive like the murder of his Mother but Ahsoka becoming his Padawan was certainly a positive. The older Jedi wasn't blind either and knew that Anakin's marriage to Padme had benefited his friend as he'd been happier in the war than most people would be. Actually, Anakin had been happier with Padme than he had been in a long time. Sitting on the edge of Anakin's bed, Obi-wan felt the need to desperately continue their conversation. "I understand your concern for I'm concerned as well however we can't allow fear of Ahsoka being in danger and any distrust in her abilities to blind us from the facts." Anakin continued to scowl as he rolled away from Obi-wan.

"I do trust her Master, you know I do. Ahsoka and I had a similar conversation on Genosis when she thought that I didn't trust her enough to take care of things. Master Luminara also thought like that but I don't distrust her but I'm afraid that she will get hurt and I couldn't live with myself if that happened." Anakin was clearly annoyed at the amount of people who misinterpreted his control over his Padawan's missions.

Obi-wan sighed for he knew what Anakin was saying. He'd felt like that with Anakin, heck, it had been a decade before Obi-wan even considered letting Anakin take a solo mission. A mission that had led him to gaining a wife. At least Anakin gave Ahsoka more freedom even if he was extra controlling when she was here or gone away for too long like now. Looking around Anakin's bedroom Obi-wan felt an old memory begin to resurface shortly after Qui-Gon had died.

"Master! Master Obi-wan, look!" A young nine-year-old Anakin was pointing at the water fountains in the Jedi Gardens. Anakin had never seen such clear, crystal blue water much less seen it in such a beautiful motion.

A twenty-five-year-old Obi-wan turned to his new Padawan. It was still weird for him to be called Master after years of being called a Padawan himself. A hot lump wedged itself in his throat as tears stung his eyes, he couldn't believe that Qui-Gon wasn't with them anymore. "Yes, yes. Very nice. Now Anakin I'm going to show you to your room. It's late and you've had a very long day. We will discuss everything that has happened tomorrow morning with the Jedi Council. You, and I actually, need sleep." Taking the little boy by his hand, Obi-wan pulled him forward through the Temple as Anakin marvelled at everything in sight.

Going up a few set of stairs, Obi-wan eventually bought Anakin before a cream door with a no door-handle and a set of turquoise lines running across the door. "Master? Why are there a lot of blue lines on the door?" Anakin asked as he traced one line with his finger.

Obi-wan smiled. "It's just the way the door was designed. Every door in the Temple is made on a similar fashion. Come on, Anakin, you need to go to bed." Obi-wan opened the door and tried to tug Anakin along but the former slave stayed put.

"I'm not tired Master. I want to learn everything there is about being a Jedi so I can be just like you! If I go to sleep then I could miss something important." Anakin was a stubborn little brat when he wanted to be as Obi-wan was beginning to realise.

Deciding on a gentle approach, Obi-wan knelt down beside Anakin and smiled. "Well if you want to be like me, the first thing that my Master told me was that I had to do as he wished. No negotiating! I'm sure that he would want you to listen to me now." Anakin mulled this over for a bit and then nodded, pleased to have been given a good reason.

Going inside, Obi-wan was surprised by the quality of his new Padawan's room. It was appalling! The paint of the walks was grey and peeling with a tiny window and a slightly bigger bed. There was a threadbare carpet laid across the floor and a a small wardrobe for his clothes. Although as Obi-wan remembered, Padawan rooms didn't tend to be that nice as that was a luxury that Knights and Masters got. Anakin didn't seem to mind however as he soon became comfortable on the grey mattress underneath a light blue duvet. Obi-wan realised that this was probably a luxury for Anakin and felt a wave of anger wash through him: Why were these crime lords and slavers allowed to rule?! It made no sense and why weren't the Jedi trying to stop them? Obi-wan took a deep breath and focused on the little boy fast asleep in front of him. The good news was that Anakin wasn't under their control anymore.

Obi-wan snapped out of his reverie by the sound of light snoring. It was twilight on Coruscant now and Anakin had exhausted himself with worry. He'd fallen fast asleep. Obi-wan gave a quiet chuckle at the similarity of the two Anakins' and felt pleased that their ship had malfunctioned that day otherwise he would have never met Anakin. Patting his friend lightly in the back, Obi-wan stood up and left.

I really hope you liked this chapter as I put a ton of effort into it. That bit with Anakin and Obi-wan was meant to be a small opening but as you can see, it grew into something more. I'll update soon. Bye, bye.

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