Chapter 11: Fighting Talk

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Smoke, fire, screams and pure chaos. The peaceful lives of the Ming Po people were being burned to the ground as their elderly, adults and children were killed at the hands of Death Watch. Any hints to Carlac's natural ecosystem of wintry, icy weather was melted down and turned into sludge. Lux was stood on the side of this horrific nightmare with his mouth hanging open slightly as all of Ahsoka's warnings came rushing back to him. He should've listened to her from the beginning but he was arrogant and revengeful and Lux pushed her away. Now these people were dying in front of him and most of it was his fault. Lux had never felt more ashamed and guilty then he did in that moment. He knew that he had to do something. "VIZLA, STOP! WHAT ARE YOU DOING?!" Lux shouted over the roar of the burning village.

Pre Vizla slowly turned to Lux; a vile smile etched into every corner of his wicked mouth. "NEVER LET THE WEAK TELL YOU WHAT TO DO!" Like all the other times, he patted Lux on the back but this time Lux wouldn't be fooled. "WELCOME TO DEATH WATCH!" A sudden and sharp pain shot through the back of his head like burning hell. Ahsoka flipped over his head, coat ditched and large metal pole in her hand. 

Sweeping her foot around in the snow, Ahsoka held her makeshift weapon up high as she blocked an oncoming strike from Pre Vizla. The Darksaber ignited and cut cleanly through the pole, cutting it in half. Around her, Death Watch members were beginning to notice the disruption but Ahsoka's main focus was the mad man who was wildly swinging a powerful weapon charged by energy at her. Still she was able to easily dodge the oncoming attacks and land a few hits of her own. Ahsoka was winning this fight against Vizla because he was stumbling through the snow and his aim was wildly incorrect. His followers didn't seem to like that however as five Mandalorians activated their ropes: Two ropes wrapped around her wrists and crosses her arms while another two did the same to her ankles. The final rope attached itself to her waist and Ahsoka was pulled to the ground. Struggling, Ahsoka tried to put up a fight but her movements were very restricted but what worried her the most was that some of the members were turning on Lux.

They surrounded him and Pre Vizla came over and stood in front of him. "You bought her here. This Jedi!" He spat  angrily in Ahsoka's direction. "We welcomed you and you betrayed us. We don't take kindly to being betrayed." He made a gesture with his hand and Lux was hit over the head with a gun by Bo Katan. It wasn't enough to knock him out but Lux fell to the ground and his entire body hurt like hell. "Take this traitor and his precious Jedi back up to camp... For a very painful execution." Pre Vizla demanded and Lux was roughly thrown onto the back of a speeder but Ahsoka received worse treatment as a number of terrorists flew up and just dragged her along the cold, hard ground to their destination.

R2 had been busy with all the poor droids who had to be repaired. He'd finished the last one with a happy beep and the gratitude from the other droids was overwhelming. R2 was pleased to have helped fellow astromechs but a sudden commotion outside his tent caused the little, blue droid to be concerned. Seeing his Master's padawan
being dragged along the ground and putting up a fight was worrisome. A large bulk of the group went inside the main tent and R2 knew that he had to help them. Beeping frantically at the recently fixed droids, R2 called in a favour and they got to work coming up with a plan.

Inside the tent, Ahsoka was tied up and strapped down in the centre with Vizla standing before her. Lux was being held by another member by the wrists and was struggling greatly against him. "Let her go Vizla. She had nothing to do with this, she wasn't meant to be here!" Lux pleaded for Ahsoka's life but anyone could see that it was a lost cause.

Pre Vizla simply smirked at him and activated the Darksaber. "That is irreverent now for she is a Jedi, a force-wielder like Dooku! She will be an example to all who stand in our way!" He cackled like a maniac and his followers joined in.

Lux was beyond rage and reasoning now! "THEN YOU ARE NO BETTER THAN DOOKU HIMSELF! MURDERERS!" His restraints were struggling under his continued effort but Vizla seemed to find him amusing.

Their leader turned to the senator. "Yet it was your own lust for revenge that made you seek us out in the first place. If we kill your Togrutan Jedi then she dies because of you Bonteri!" With that he raised the saber over his head and prepared to strike!

R2 then took that moment to start his own plan and race into the tent. He shot Ahsoka's lightsabers out and into her hands. Grinning, Ahsoka backflipped our of her restraints and decapitated the four members holding her down. Amid the chaos it gave Lux and Ahsoka time to escape into the cool, crisp air where an army of droids were waiting for them. "Looks like R2 made some friends." Lux joked and Ahsoka smiled that her friend was back. Pre Vizla, with the Darksaber and loyal members in tow, came rushing out of the tent with the intent of killing Lux and Ahsoka.

"GO!" Ahsoka shouted at Lux and R2 as they commandeered a speeder but it was clear that he was waiting for her. They fought against each other and after a decisive blow to Vizla's jetpack, it exploded and Ahsoka jumped on the back of their speeder. Bo Katan and a few other Mandalorians gave chase but R2 and Ahsoka managed to scare many of them off. Bo Katan was persistent however and Ahsoka had to admit that she was a good fighter bit the Togruta was better and after a few close calls Ahsoka managed to defeat her. In the clear, the trio could see their ship and hope filled them. They were free!

I hope you enjoyed this chapter. I'm sorry to say that you probably won't get an update until Sunday or Monday at the latest. I'm going in holiday for the weekend and probably won't be able to update. Sorry. Bye, bye.

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