Chapter 23: Worry

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Ahsoka ran into Anakin's chambers and woke him up. "MASTER! ANAKIN! WAKE UP!" Ahsoka yelled at him as the confused man woke up, startled and worried. 

"Snips! What's wrong? Are you okay?" Anakin swung his legs around so he was sitting on the edge of his bed. He had rarely seen his usually confident and carefree Padawan so shocked. 

Ahsoka glared at him. "Yes Master, I'm fine. I'm just yelling at you for fun. NO! Of course I'm not fine, I had a vision: Lor and Lux were having an argument and Lux went to leave but Lor had tipped Dooku off and droids were waiting and they kidnapped Lux!" Ahsoka grabbed Anakin's hand and began to pull him towards the door.

"Woah, woah, Snips! Calm down! Where are you going?" Anakin pulled free of her grasp and turned her around to face him. Ahsoka looked completely deranged now and Anakin was getting rather afraid. "Ahsoka, have you been worrying over Lux lately? If you do then this could just be the Force reacting to your fear. It could be nothing." He tried to get her to listen to him but Ahsoka but she refused to listen.

"NO, MASTER! Lux is trouble, I know it! Are you going to help me or not?" Ahsoka screamed at him and stormed out of his room and ran to the hanger.

Anakin groaned as he ran after her. "AHSOKA! COME BACK!" Anakin raced after her as the younger Jedi ran past Obi-wan, Plo Koon and Mace Windu who looked on confused. 

Obi-wan was the first one to react and follow Anakin in his pursuit. "Anakin, what's happening? Why is Ahsoka running?" He pulled Anakin to the side as Ahsoka sped around the corner.

Anakin sighed. "Ugh, Master, hang on. Rex? Yeah, hi. Listen, Ahsoka's gone a bit crazy. I need you to hold her and stop her from getting into a ship until Obi-wan and I get there? Thanks." Anakin hung up on Rex and turned to his frowning friend. Obi-wan waved his hand in a motion for Anakin to continue despite his obvious urge to run after his Padawan. "Ahsoka thinks that Lux is in mortal danger from Count Dooku and I've tried to make her see that it could just be the Force playing tricks on her but she doesn't believe me. I don't get it Obi-wan, she nearly died because if that idiot; why does she care about him so much? Plus, Ahsoka's only just got back from her last adventure; if I were her I'd be happy to relax. But no, that blasted Senator is in trouble and she drops everything for him. I tell you, I will never be so stupid." Anakin scowled as Obi-wan smirked at the irony hidden in his speech. The First Battle of Geonosis sprang to mind. Before their conversation could continue, Anakin's communicator beeped. "Skywalker. Have you caught Ahsoka yet, Rex?" He desperately hoped that the answer was yes.

Rex cleared his throat. "Well yes. Ahsoka is sat on the hull of her starship, she isn't crying but I don't think she's happy either. JESSE, FIVES! Stop! Sorry, sir, I've got to go." Rex stopped talking and Anakin and Obi-wan could hear the sound of millions of blasters going off. Then there was the sound of Rex yelling at Jesse and Fives while Cody and Boil began to shout cleaning commands at everyone. 

Anakin and Obi-wan looked at each other. "We should probably go and see what the hell is happening over there. I really hope that Ahsoka is okay." Obi-wan nodded at his friend as they ran along the corridors to the hanger. When they entered the hanger, Anakin felt Obi-wan stop dead in his tracks with pure shock and the fear of many clones in the midst of chaos. Jesse and Fives had clearly tried to cheer Ahsoka up after she'd run into the hanger and tried to get into her ship; clearly very distraught. They had filled many spare blasters with multi coloured streamers and had counted down to fire them in an attempt to make Ahsoka happy. Rex was running after the duo responsible to stop them firing when Anakin had called. He'd stopped to speak with his general and been too late to stop them. Cody and some clones from the 212th had heard the commotion and were trying to clean it up when Obi-wan and Anakin had run in.

Anakin felt his traitorous mouth form into a smirk as he resisted the urge to congratulate his boys on a spectacular idea. Obi-wan however was being led to sit down by Cody as he felt his hair begin to grey with the stress of this chaos. Fives and Jesse were nowhere to be found as Rex gave up his search to find the troublemakers responsible and stood by his general. "I'm sorry about the mess General, Fives and Jesse decided to take matters into their own hands. Is Commander Tano okay? She seems very... Out of sorts." Rex looked at his general to see Anakin nervously scanning the streamer-littered hanger. "Everything okay, sir?"

Anakin slowly turned to him. "Rex. Where is Ahsoka? Or her ship? She was right here, you said so." Anakin jogged forward to where his Padawan's speeder was before. Ahsoka was not there anymore and Anakin was starting to put the pieces of what happened into place. "FIVES! JESSE! WHERE ARE YOU?" He yelled into the darkness and suddenly two clones walked into the hanger, looking extremely sheepish. "Who came up with this plan?" Anakin was seething at the mouth. Everyone was very surprised now as Anakin had seemed rather pleased with his boys before but now he was even more stricter than Obi-wan or Mace Windu. 

Fives and Jesse looked at each other. Fives was a terrible liar but Jesse was a brilliant liar however Jedi could read minds so it didn't matter. "Umm, we don't know, sir. It just came to us however we didn't feel completely in control of our actions." The two clones waited with baited breath for their punishment but Anakin just sighed and looked out into the empty blackness of space. 

"It wasn't your fault. Ahsoka needed a distraction. This was it. Now we have to find her and probably Bonteri before Dooku does. Let's get to work."

I'm sorry that this update came a day late however I was very tired after the Open Evening and My Little Pony: A New Generation came out yesterday so I didn't have time to write. I'm not sure if they had streamers in Star Wars but it seemed like the sort of thing that the 501st would do. I hope you liked this chapter anyway. I'll update soon so don't worry. Bye, bye.

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