3 AM Does Wonders, really

378 13 3

Rose POV
Life is great. Amazing, splendid, and horrible, not to mention some words that wouldn't be PG.

"I knew he would show up, but I didn't think it would be that soon."I say quietly to myself. Magnus continues to trot down the path.


what was that? A branch? Or a bone? Oh no.

"Hey buddy, I need to to quietly go over there and hide. Someone bad might be there. I say and gesture through the thickness of the night towards the direction of the snap.

Magnus doesn't need to be told twice as he continues in the opposite direction I'm pointing to. "Smart horse." I mutter and turn my head back. "All is well, it ends well." I say plunging into the darkness.

What is that? Smoke! I hold my breath, and continue to walk.

I hear a series of hisses. I smell someone a snake said. Great a snake.

"Something wrong my pet?" A person cooed, I don't think I know the person, but the voice is vaguely familiar.

"Its probably nothing... now what shall we do with this precious specimen? " The lady asked I could practically hear her smirk.

"Eat him." Said a gruff voice... gruff, is that even a word? Never mind. Typical troll, thinking of their stomach.

"No, we can't eat royalty. We must use him as a leverage. I'm sure our boss. Will enjoy him as a gift. Don't you think?"

"I'm hungry." Said another troll whose voice reminded me of leaves cracking under your feet in the fall. I'm going to name him Crackle. The other one who said eat him will be Gerald.

Oh, who are they talking about. That is probably what I should of focused on first.

It's hard to see, but it's a guy... with dark hair. He's unconscious, or he's sleeping... is there a difference? God I need to work on my vocabulary.

"I don't see what is so important about Prince Hawk." I male voice said. "That makes the two of us." I said... oh no I screwed up.

He turned to the two trolls. "Did you say something?" They both looked at each other, "No." And "I'm hungry." Came out of them at the same time. One of the ladies sighed.

"You two! Go find out who's watching us, and bring them to me." She said with fire raging in her eyes.

Like I said before my life is great.

I was being sarcastic incase you didn't know.

then I see an owl, next to me, Hawks.

"Hey, can you lead them away, so i can go rescue biceps over there?" I asked the owl grabbed a rock and flew dropping it in a Bush farther away. Then all of them took off. In that direction.

now I'm alone... so I do the reasonable thing, grab a branch for self defense. I inch towards the semi- muscular man. And use the stick to turn the head towards me.

"Hawk?!" I whisper, but he doesnt respond. "Oh your unconscious. I forgot. " He has a nice face... I slap myself.

"What's wrong with me?" I glare at him, "your even cute, when your knocked unconscious." I sigh... I need to wake him up...

Only one thing comes into my head to wake him up...


I LEAN towards him

and I gulp

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