"Virtue" and Moonlight

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Hawk POV
My face hurt, but my heart ached more.

I've been smiling, too much. It's all too much. I close my eyes I see her.

I've been faking it, pretending it never happened. All of this with Ambrosia is fake.

We're not the picture perfect couple. I'm just exhausted, I just want to sleep.

After telling the gang everything, the next day I ignored them. The worst part is: I don't know why?!

Why? I keep coming back to Ambrosia. Granny doesn't believe me when I tell her. I though my teammates wouldn't believe me either! But... they did.

For one second I thought everything was going to be alright. It felt so right being in Rose's arms. Smelling the faint scent of roses and peaches combined.

I sigh breathing in the faint smell of peaches and vanilla on the blanket the my Angel left me. I traced the words embroidered on the silky white fabric, "Love Dove".

I hug it closer to me, trying to find more comfort, but the only thing that felt better was being in Rose's embrace.

I carefully fold the blanket, and place it gently in my closet. The blanket was old, some tears were on them, patched with different fabrics, not to mention the ends were frayed.

Still it was soft on here me side, silky on the other. The blanket was well loved, and seemed to have seen many years.

I couldn't wait to see my Angel, my salvation, my ray of light during this bleak night.

Only a few more hours, then I can see her, hear her, feel her, just be with her. I sighed feeling myself relax at the thought.

"You can do it Hawk." I muttered looking up into the mirror, seeing my reflection. Not mirror Hawks.

Mirror Hawk, hasn't been talking to me since I was mean to Rose. Currently he hates me, but he has a small crush on Ambrosia. Hypocrite.

I collapse into my bed and sigh looking at the piles of books that are my homework. I grab the book and flip to page 150. Might as well get started.

Rose POV
"No" I said sternly looking at my cousin who was holding a dress, well more like small thin see-through strips of fabric.

"You didn't even hear me out."He whined, I shook my head at the flimsy dress. "Never gonna happen."

"Don't you want him to see what he's missing?" He asked shaking the dress, "what's missing? The rest of the dress is what's missing?!" I shrieked only to receive a Cheshire-like-cat grin from Jake.

"You got the body, let him admire it like the goddess you are."

"Please, I don't have a good body"

I looked down, I had fat on my legs, my arms weren't as slim as I would like my Breast weren't as full as they could be. I felt pretty short. I had stretch marks on my butt. In conclusion, I'm not perfect.

Now for looks, Ambrosia. Now that's perfect. She has the body- and the right to be confident. She was even called, "the definition of beauty"

Looks are pretty superficial, yet I can't help but to succumb to hating myself, body, and person.

I saw a hand snapping under my nose, "hey, I thought I lost you for a moment... you okay?" I looked up to see the grin on Jakes face vanish as concern was layered deeply onto his face.

"I'm fine, just lost in thought." I said grabbing his hand and squeezing. A grin was slapped back into his face. "Well... what are you waiting for?! And invitation- go!" He shouted throwing the dress at me.

The Silent Angel(A Regal Academy fan fiction)Where stories live. Discover now