Broken Fragments from the wind

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Trigger Warning :
Sad/ depression?
Effects of rape

Hey, if you or a loved one has gone through any experience similar or has been raped please go see a professional to help you.

This is in no way shape or form to pick on any of the topics listed above.

If you don't feel comfortable, please take a break and drink some water. And if your willing come back and read later.

(P.S. I don't actually write the scene of the rape, it's just implied.)

Travis POV
It's been a couple of days since the... incident. Since then me and the team have been avoiding Hawk as much as we can. Rose and Joy feel bad, the rest of us have been pulling them away.

Hawk might switch team. Which is good I guess. I just hate how Ambrosia split us up, along with Hawks obsession with finding this girl. I shake my head to forget about him.

"Have you guys noticed?" I perk my head up to look at Rose who's looking at Hawk, "...what?" Astoria asked cautiously.

"He's been acting... different." Rose said softly, even though she didn't say his name, we knew who she was talking about.

"Forget about him. He hurt us, he hurt you!" Astoria said underling 'you' as she grabbed Rose's shoulders.

"We're better off without him." Shawn said looking at him with fire in his eyes.

Ling Ling pursued her lips, "Though he has been acting strange... it might be because he feels bad." Ling Ling said bring reason to us.

I sighed listening to her speak, Ling Ling's voice was so warm like biting into a cookie that was just made.

"I think it's something else. He doesn't look like he's been sleeping, he looks kinda... miserable. I think something bad happened." Rose pushed, I sighed standing up.

"I'll go talk to him." I said only to have Ling Ling grab my arm, "Talk, not punch. I'll come with you." She said giving me a smile squeezing my arm gently.

I smiled back, "I'd really like that." Our fingers interlaced together, her palms were soft, her fingers slightly calloused from all the painting like mine. I squeezed her hand back gently, careful not to use my beast strength.

I turn to see Ling Ling's cheeks heat up as the girls and Shawn are 'ooh'ing and 'aww'ing. I roll my eyes as I look at my shoes feeling heat rise to my cheeks.

"Okay." I mumbled as she dragged me to talk to Hawk.

"Travis, Ling Ling I can explain-" he said his eyes looked frantic, like a wild animal. The bags on his eyes and his disheveled hair showed the stress he was going through along with the lack of sleep.

"We aren't here to hear your story, we're here to ask you if your okay." I said continuing to examine him.

"Im fine," he said gruffly, his eyes looked broken. "Hawk... you don't have to be fine. You don't have to be fine. Tell us what's wrong." Ling Ling said as she watched Hawk's eyes swell with tears.

"I don't want to talk about it... at least not now." He swallowed, who broke Hawk?

It seemed the same question came to both mine and Ling Ling's mind as when we met eyes, we both thought of the same person : Ambrosia.

Rose POV
Did I send them to find an answer I already know? Yeah, duh.

Hawk is hurting, he went through something. I might not know exactly... but I have an idea. Especially from what I heard in the bathroom.

Ambrosia kept talking about how she took Hawk's 'V- card'. How he gave it to her, because he loved her and wanted to be with her.

Looking at Hawk's state when he came to the woods, of how messily his clothes were on, how broken his eyes looked. How pale and horrified his face was. To see him panic like that. Meant something happened that night.

Something, broke Hawk. Or more like someone.

I saw Hawk come back with Ling Ling and Travis. He collapsed onto his knees in front of me.

"I'm so sorry. I- I don't want to hurt anyone! I didn't mean to hurt you! I- I ."

I shush him, as I brush the hair out of his face. "It's fine, now I won't say I forgive you; I don't like to lie. But, I'm sure I will learn how to. Now tell me what happened?" I said as I continued to stroke his head, as he sobbed into my skirt begging for forgiveness.

"Hawk... you don't have to say what happened... but it might make you feel better." Astoria said joining in giving him pity.

"I didn't want to I- I swear. I don't know what happened- it's all fuzzy! I can't. I can't. I can't remember. I tried I really did! It's just-... horrible." He said as I kneeled down to embrace him as he now cried into my hair.

"Did... Ambrosia... hurt you?" Shawn asked looking for a bruise. Hawk just sniffled in my arms. I felt my heart break as he nodded.

"Did she touch you?" I asked only to get a broken sob as he nodded more. "I- I didn't want it! I said no! I should've done something! I could've but, I was just frozen!" He cried, I held him tighter.

"G-granny didn't believe me!" He continued to cry. "Do you guys?" He asked pulling away. He reminded me of a child, crying for their parent.

"We believe you." Ling Ling said firmly. "So you love her?" Joy asked tilting her head, innocent bean.

"I- I thought I did... now I don't know." He said looking at his hands. "Nobody will want me... I'm used, I'm garbage." He muttered I took his cold hands into mine.

"Hawk... I was used to... it doesn't mean your worthless, garbage, or a monster." I whispered to him as I drew little hearts onto his hand.

"You are still so amazing, sweet, and a pretty great guy. Being hurt doesn't change that." I said using one hand to cup his cheek, and he leaned into it.

"We will all get through this together... if you want." Shawn offered giving Hawk a good old pat on the shoulder.

Hawk leaned into me hugging me resting his head on my shoulder. We both just stayed like that seeking each other's comfort from the wind that brought forth not only coldness, but painful memories as well.

I'm not sure if I was hallucinating or not but I'm pretty sure I saw wet spots on the fabric of his jacket. From my own tears


Ta da... it's a bit sad,


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