the next morning:
-Ethan pov-
"Why would you bring her here?" Grayson furiously whispered.
"Gray, she needs a place to stay." I calmly explained.
"I know! But you just told me that another gang is after her!" He held up two fingers, "Elements and Branch! Or Twig..whatever they are called!" He ran his hands through his hair, "Ethan, she can't stay, if they find her here." He paused. "They will take us too."
"I know." I sunk down onto the couch. "Shit, Grayson, I know."
"Then what are you going to do?"
"I'm not sure."
He sighed. "Well you better figure out fast..."
"Figure what out fast?" Blair walked into the living room, drying her wet hair with a towel.
"Nothing." I quickly answered.
Grayson frowned at me, shaking his head. "Yeah sure, it's nothing."
Blair caught on. "Well it's definitely something..."
I stood up and gave her a hug. "It's a problem for another day."
Grayson sighed even louder. "I'm going out." He promptly left the room, and I heard the front door slam.
"I'm sorry." Blair whispered into my chest.
"For what baby?"
"For making you and Grayson fight. I'm not dumb Ethan, I know it's about me." She pulled away from my arms. "I need to leave."
"No, no, no." I placed my hands on my soft cheeks. "You're fine, we're fine. Grayson just wants to make sure this isn't staying here."
She walked across the room, looking out the window. "It's not, I have to leave Ethan. The sooner the better."
She turned, cutting me off. "Ethan, I don't want to put you in danger." Her eyes were watery.
"Hey.." I walked across the room. "Don't cry."
She collapsed in my arms, sobbing. "I'm so tired t-tired of running, a-and being afraid all t-the time.." She choked out.
I rubbed her back. "I know Blair. And I want to help you. Protect you. I'm not leaving." I kissed the top of her head. "I'm not leaving."
a few hours later:
-Blair pov-
Me and Ethan cuddled on the couch, watching movies, eating snacks, and kissing. Lots of kissing. This was the first time in over two years I have felt safe, comfortable, and home.
Ethan shuffled next to me. "I have to peeeee."
I laughed, unwrapping my arms from around him. "Okay, go!"
He smirked and jumped off the couch, running to the bathroom.
"You are such a little kid!" I called, still laughing. I turned back to the TV and threw a piece of popcorn in my mouth.
Suddenly I heard the front door open, and Grayson came running into the living room, panting. "Blair!" He swallowed, trying to catch his breath. "You leave!"
"What?" I jumped up off the couch. "Gray, what happened?"
He didn't answer as he ran across the room and down the hallway.
"Grayson? What happened?" I asked again, following him. I walked into his bedroom to see him using his inhaler.
He took a few more deep breaths before answering. "Sorry..I had to catch my breath."

Follow Me |e.d.|
FanfictionShe didn't skip a beat when she noticed my mistake. "Where am I?" she asked more confidently. "I can't answer that." She furrowed her eyebrows, her voice raising. "Well then, who are you?" I backed away from her. "I can't tell you that either." ...