chapter nineteen

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-Blair pov-

"Ethan?" I questioned.


I lowered my gun, studying his face. His hair was shorter, and he had grown some stubble. There were large bags under his eyes, but the same hazel eyes with green flecks stared back at me. He seemed to be in just as much shock seeing me as I was seeing him.

"Can-can I come in?" He hesitantly asked.

"Yes, yes of course..." He walked inside and I closed the door behind him.

"Blair, who is your...friend?" My dad questioned.

"Umm, this is Ethan.." I said slowly, my eyes not leaving Ethan's.

My dad must have picked up on the amount of tension in the room. "Ok..nice to meet you. Blair, I'm going to bed. Ethan can use Bryce's room if he's staying over.."

I nodded, turning toward him. "Thank you, I'll see you in the morning."

He gave a slight smile before leaving the room.

"You can sit.." I gestured toward the couch, and we both hesitantly sat down.

"Blair where did you go?"

"Ethan, how did you find me?"

We both asked at the same time. We both laughed, the tension slightly being broken.

"You can start." He confirmed.

"Well...I was taken by the gang that attacked Xenon. And I escaped. That's all I can say." I added.

He nodded. "I understand." He chuckled, and scratched the back of his neck. "I-umm, have been looking for you since we found out you were taken. We set up cameras in places you could be." He explained.

"Who's we?" I question.

"Me and Grayson. We didn't give up hope that you were alive Blair."

I softly smiled. "Thank you. But I have to disappear or else all of your work with be for nothing."

He took my hands in his, this action startled me at first but it soon became comfortable and familiar. "Who's after you?"

"I can't-."

He interrupted me. "They're already after you, so why does it matter if you tell one person?"

"Fine, they're called Twig."

He laughed. "Twig? What kind of name is that?"

I smiled. "I know right? How did you know about the attack on Xenon anyway?"

He frowned. "Freya. She somehow escaped. Told me everything, how she told Jace about us. But most importantly about you."

"And that's how you were able to track me down?"


We sat in comfortable silence for a few minutes.

"I can't believe you are actually here.." I whispered.


"Ethan I want you to know I don't hate you for leaving, and...and not telling me the whole truth about why you were at Xenon."

"Thank you...I'm sorry I wasn't honest. How did you find out anyway?"

"I put the pieces together." I explained.

"You were always smart." He rubbed his thumb across my knuckles. I watched his graceful hands clasp mine.

"Can-can I kiss you?" He asked gently.

I thought for a moment. I wanted him to kiss me more than anything. But at the same time...that would just make it harder for me to leave.

"Yes...please." I answered truthfully.

I glanced up, my eyes locking with his beautiful hazel ones.

He leaned forward and his plump, soft lips touched mine. Our lips fell into perfect harmony, our tongues swirling together. We both pulled away at the same time.

"I've missed that.." He said softly.

"Me too." I stood up, pulling him along with me. "Come on, this might be our last night together."

I led him to my old bedroom, locking the door behind us.

"But your dad—."

"We've always had to be quiet right?" I questioned.

He responded with kissing me passionately.

"I'll take that as a yes." I mumbled against his tender lips.

The next morning:

I woke up to sunlight streaming through the blinds. Ethan's bare arms were wrapped around my body. I kissed the top of his head, threading my fingers through his thick locks. I looked around my old room. It looked the same as it did the day I left to go to that party. Pictures taped up around the room of me, Malory, Bryce, and our other friends. My vanity covered in makeup. Twinkle lights strung up around the room. My mirror, cracked from when Bryce threw a rock at it (long story). And my desk...piled with pencils, pastels, paints, and drawing pads. So many drawing pads. I used to love to draw. Now it just makes me sad.

I sighed, I wonder where I would be today if I was never kidnapped. Ethan shifted next to me. "Good morning." He said in his raspy morning voice.

I smiled. "Good morning handsome."

He groaned. "I definitely do not look handsome right now."

I giggled. "You most definitely do."

He sat up, yawning. "So what's the plan for today?"

"I guess pack some of my stuff that I still want...say bye to my dad...then leave. I want to get across the country as fast as possible." I explained.

Ethan frowned. "And you're going to leave me?"

I gently placed my hand on his cheek. "E, I can't ask you to do with me, it's too dangerous."

He smirked. "Have you met me? I'm coming with, or you are staying with me and Grayson."


"Nope, I've made up my mind."


He laughed, and wrapped his arms around me.
"I love you Blair," Ethan whispered.

I smiled, a tear rolling down my face. "I love you too, Ethan."

He engulfed me in a hug, both of us holding on for to each other for dear life.

"I'm not letting you go ever again," He said.

I nodded. "Me too."

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