chapter two

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Aimee awoke with a start. She had no idea how long she'd been asleep. It was dark outside, and the fire was beginning to die down. She sat up straighter, marking her place in the book before closing it. Nani was no longer lying at Aimee's feet. Then, she heard the noise that must have woken her up. A faint tapping noise at the window.

Aimee quickly stood up and scrambled towards her bedroom. She hated to admit it, but she was afraid of whatever was tapping on the window, especially after reading that passage in her book. She stood at the door, keeping it open just enough so she could see the window. She heard the window slowly squeak open. Aimee couldn't imagine what kind of creature could open the window from outside. But as she watched, she could see that it was no creature at all. It was a person. Suddenly a bit more afraid, Aimee grasped for anything she could use as a weapon. If worse came to worst, she had to protect her siblings. She found Sebastien's wooden sword. It wasn't exactly sharp, but it would have to do.

Returning to the crack in the door, Aimee watched the shadow of a person climb in through the window. She could barely see what he looked like, since it was dark. Luckily, the person headed for the kitchen, silently walking through the house. Still gripping the hilt of the sword, she slowly left the safety of the bedroom, intent on confronting the person. As she stepped towards the kitchen, she could see that the person was a boy, probably around her own age. He rifled through their cabinets and drawers, pulling out what food he could find. She stood there for a few moments, taking in the sight of the dark-haired boy. He was taller than her, but that wasn't a surprise. He was skinny, but not in an unhealthy way. She could see that he was physically fit; he looked like he got a lot of exercise.

Aimee was about to say something when she was interrupted by Nani. Rushing into the kitchen, the dog let out a threatening bark. Aimee quickly hid herself as the boy spun around in surprise. He nimbly leapt onto the counter, out of Nani's reach. Before Nani could let out another bark, the boy pulled something out of his pocket. He dropped a bit of gold-colored dust onto Nani's head. Almost instantly, Nani laid down and fell into a peaceful sleep.

Shocked, Aimee let out a small gasp, which she instantly regretted. The boy turned, and his blue-green eyes locked on her dark brown ones. Aimee quickly held up the sword in front of her, pointing it at the boy, still perched on the counter.

With a slight grin, the boy let out an amused laugh. "Ya really think a toy'll protect ya?" He asked in a thick New York accent.

Aimee didn't know how to respond to that. She held it tighter. "It'll hurt if you get hit hard enough."

His grin widened. "But you won't hit me with it," he said confidently. "You wouldn't want to mess up my beautiful face, would ya? After all, I wouldn't want ta mess up yours either." Aimee had to admit, he had quite the dazzling smile.

"Oh, I get it. You're a complete egomaniac," she retorted, feeling braver as the conversation went on. "What are you doing in my kitchen?"

"Just borrowin' some food. I need to eat, ya know." He shrugged. His casual attitude annoyed Aimee.

"Get off the counter," she instructed firmly. "And leave."

He let out another infuriating laugh. "I think I'm good right here, but thank you."

Aimee wanted to wipe his smirk off his face, but she still didn't want to get too close to him. "Who are you?" She demanded. With his name, she would be able to turn him into the police. But of course she wouldn't tell him that.

The boy let out a soft, mockingly hurt gasp. "You mean ya don't recognize me?" He asked, placing his hand over his heart as if she had wounded him there.

"Should I know you?" Aimee countered, keeping a watchful eye on his actions. He seemed like a very tricky person to her.

"Oh, c'mon, Aimee. Think."

She was taken off guard when he called her by name. " do you know my name?" She asked cautiously. He suddenly seemed more dangerous.

"I know the names of all kids," he said simply.

She let out a soft, short laugh. "Who are you, Santa Claus?"

He shrugged. "Yeah, kinda. But also, no. I'll give ya a hint...I have looked like this for a long, long time." He gestured at his body, but his hint only made Aimee more confused. He sighed shortly. "This gold dust in my packet made ya dog fall asleep?" Aimee only responded with silence. The boy groaned. "I'm practic'ly givin' it away at this point." He started to step off the counter, but his feet didn't touch the floor like a normal person. He continued to float over the ground.

Aimee dropped the wooden sword in shock, and it clattered to the floor. "You...y-you' can-"

"Yes, I can fly," the boy crowed, a boastful grin on his face. "But I believe I will be taking this food and leaving now." Without touching his feet to the ground, he grabbed the food.

"Wait! P-put it down!" Aimee said, her voice wavering.

"Or what?" If it was even possible, his grin widened.

"Woah!" A voice from behind Aimee exclaimed. That voice belonged to Sally. She ran into the kitchen, Sebastien trailing closely behind. "Are you flying?"

The boy noticed the two children and sat back down on the counter. "Yep," he answered.

"Are you magical?" Sally followed up, her eyes wide with excitement.

"Mhm." The boy nodded as Aimee's siblings looked at him in awe.

"Teach me how to fly!" Sebastien begged, trying to climb up on the counter next to the boy. However, Aimee wasn't having any of this.

"No. Go back to bed, let me deal with this on my own," she told them firmly. She wasn't about to let them be around this strange boy.

"I can teach ya," the boy said, completely ignoring Aimee. "All you gotta do is think happy thoughts. Then use some of this pixie dust here."

"Pixie dust? Where are you from?" Sally interrogated the boy.

"A place called Neverland. It's a place wh-"

"Where kids never have to grow up!" She interrupted, looking as if all her dreams had suddenly come true.

"No, those are just stories. Something someone made up about a boy that flies. They're not true," Aimee said as she shook her head, finding this hard to believe.

The boy shrugged. "What's not to believe? You saw me fly."

Aimee shook her head slowly. "But that would mean that you're-" She stopped, unsure if she wanted to continue.

The boy gave her a bow, his grin back on his face. "Jack Kelly, at your service."

and here's chapter two! make sure to vote and comment
thank you for reading!! :)

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