chapter fifteen

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Aimee figured out a plan. If no one would come to rescue her, she could escape on her own. The next time someone came to take her somewhere, she'd make a run for it as soon as they went above deck. She doubted that she'd be able to outrun a group of large men off of a ship, but she could try her best. As soon as she reached the forest, she'd pick a tree, climb it, and wait for them to stop looking for her. Then, she'd climb down and go find either Jack or Spot. This whole ordeal would be over.

Aimee knew that if she ever got back, she'd have to take Spot's advice. As insufferable as Spot may be, she actually had some sense to her. Aimee would have to swallow her pride and apologize to Jack. And she'd take whatever punishment he gave her.

Fortunately, someone came to get her soon. She had no idea what they were planning to do with her, but a man she had never seen came down the stairs.

"Right, girly. Let's go," the man said, unlocking the door and holding onto her tightly. Aimee's lip curled a bit in disgust at the nickname, but she had no choice except to go with him. Besides, this could be her chance to escape the ship and hurry back. So she walked with the man up to the main deck. Aimee was expecting to be taken to Pulitzer's office again, but this time, they stopped at the mast. She had a feeling that something very bad was about to happen.

The man stopped her, and Aimee saw this as her only chance to escape. Her odds of getting away were incredibly slim, but she had to try. As soon as she jerked her hands out of the pirate's grasp, she made a run for it. However, she only got halfway to the gangplank before she was stopped.

"Where do you think you're going?" Katherine asked, stepping out in front of the group of men blocking Aimee. Slowly backing up, Aimee realized she was surrounded. "Tie her up," Katherine barked, and the men obeyed.

Aimee's wrists were roughly bound with a piece of rope, then she was tied to the mast of the ship. "What are you doing with me?"

"That's none of your business," Katherine answered simply, turning when her father came out of his office and onto the deck. One thing Aimee hadn't been expecting, however, was the sight of a Lost Boy following behind Pulitzer. Aimee instantly recognized the boy as one of the very first friends she made in Neverland.

"Mush?!" She asked incredulously. Mush looked down at the floor, refusing to even acknowledge Aimee's existence.

"Yes," Pulitzer chuckled. "Nicholas here showed up just this morning, and he offered to strike a deal with me. He would help me reach my goal if I promised to do something for him."

Aimee couldn't comprehend what exactly was happening. " could you?" She asked, glaring at Mush until he dared to look at her.

"He would destroy our camp otherwise," Mush said, his voice almost in a whisper. "It was a small price to pay for keeping my family safe."

Pulitzer placed a hand on Mush's shoulder, causing the boy to flinch slightly. "I've held up my end of the bargain. Your turn, son." With that, Mush nodded curtly and scampered off. He left the boat and disappeared into the forest.

Aimee looked between Pulitzer and Katherine. "What's he going to do?" She asked, almost afraid to hear the answer.

"In exchange for the promise I wouldn't harm his home, he agreed to bring Jack to me," Pulitzer explained with a smug expression. "I'll finally be able to get my revenge, and Jack Kelly will be gone." Aimee's heart felt like it dropped into her stomach. How could Mush do that? How could he turn in his leader to their enemy? It just didn't make any sense.

The next hour and a half crept by at a snail-like pace. The pirates prepared for a fight, leaving Aimee still tied to the mast. They sharpened their weapons and loaded their canons, all the while taunting Aimee. She wasn't sure how much more if it she could take.

As time passed, the anticipation in the air grew steadily. The pirates had obviously been waiting for an encounter with Jack for a very long time, and Aimee could tell that they were ready for a fight. The sun began to sink lower in the sky, and Aimee wasn't sure if Jack was even coming. If he didn't come, what would happen to her? Part of her wanted him to stay away and avoid the fight, but the other part of her knew that she wouldn't be rescued if he didn't come. Just when she was about to abandon all hope, she heard a familiar voice crow from the sky.

"Hey, you old codfish! Let's get goin', I don't have all day!"

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