chapter eleven

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putting the author's note first because I just want y'all to be prepared for this chapter. I say this about most of them, but this is absolutely one of my most favorite chapters. it's also a little longer than normal.

okay, you've been prepared. enjoy, and thank you for reading!!

As she walked through the forest, Aimee was glad it wasn't dark this time. Because of the daylight, she would be able to make her way to the Brookies' territory. She didn't know what she would do when she got there, but she hoped Spot would be able to help her somehow. Maybe she'd be able to give Aimee refuge until Jack wasn't angry anymore. Maybe she'd be able to talk to Jack, or at the very least, tell Aimee who Katherine was.

Since it was light, she was able to follow the cliffside all the way into Spot's turf. She had never visited the Brookies' camp before, but she hoped it wouldn't be too terrible and that they would welcome her.

Because she knew the way, it didn't take Aimee long to come within sight of the camp, which sat in a clearing on the edge of the cliffs. It was farther away than she had hoped, but at least she could see it. Before long, a boy a little older than Aimee stepped out of the trees in front of her. The first thing Aimee noticed about him was an eyepatch over his right eye.

"Who are you?" The boy demanded. From his demeanor, it was obvious that he was a Brookie. Spot trained her boys to be tough.

"I'm Aimee Chapelle. Jack's friend," she answered, hoping this boy would let her continue on to the camp.

Realization dawned on him, but he didn't look too impressed. "What's ya business here?" He folded his arms as he looked at her.

"I was hoping to see Spot. I wanted to talk to her about something," Aimee replied.

"'Bout what?"

"That's personal." Aimee tried to give him a small smile. "Will you take me to her, please?" She asked the blonde boy.

He hesitated, then nodded. "Fine. This way." He began walking, and Aimee followed him. The boy was silent, even though Aimee had attempted a few times to strike up a conversation. He seemed angry with her, but she wasn't sure why.

Finally, they reached the camp. Boys bustled about just like at the Lost Boys' camp. The boy Aimee had met in the woods kept walking, and stopped at one tent. "Wait here," he instructed, not waiting for a response before pulling back the flap and stepping inside. Aimee stood where he had left her awkwardly, ignoring the stares and whispers of the boys in the camp. Moments later, the boy reappeared and held open the flap for her. He gestured for her to come inside. Aimee stepped in the tent, nodding at the boy. She noticed Spot sitting on the other end of the tent, lounging in a chair that looked like a makeshift throne.

"Thanks, York," Spot said to the boy that led Aimee to the camp. York nodded once and left Aimee alone with Spot. "What can I do for ya?" Spot asked, twirling one of her two braids around her finger.

Aimee was a bit taken aback by Spot's relaxed demeanor, but she pressed on. "Well...I had a bit of a disagreement with Jack. And I was wondering if you'd let me stay here for a few days? Until this blows over?"

Spot seemed intrigued by this story. She sat up a bit. "What kind o' disagreement? I wanna know what I'm gettin' myself into."

"I saw something that I guess he didn't want me to. And I asked questions about it. And he got mad at me and told me that I was supposed to leave in the morning to go home," Aimee explained.

"Hm. Can't help ya there. Sorry, doll." Spot shrugged and went back to reclining in her chair without a care in the world.

"What? Why not?"

Spot looked at Aimee. "Because. Jack told ya to go home, and he had every right ta' do that. It ain't my place to intrude. Besides, I don't wanna give 'im a reason not to like me. We gotta coexist peacefully."

Aimee had not been expecting this answer. "Well, what am I supposed to do now?" She asked.

"Don't worry that pretty little head o' yours. All you gotta do is go back and apologize to 'im. He's got a soft spot for ya, he'll rethink sending ya home."

Aimee huffed a little. "You want me to apologize for being curious? And for wanting to know the answer to a question that no one will give me?"

"Mhm." Spot nodded, examining her fingernails. "Swallow your pride and do it. I ain't keepin' ya here, and you won't survive in the jungle. It's your only option."

Aimee knew that apologizing wasn't an option. Jack should be apologizing to her, not the other way around. There was no way that she'd return to camp until he came to find her. But there was no other option. She knew she didn't have the skills needed to spend much time in the forest on her own. So what could she do?

"Anythin' else I can help ya with?" Spot asked, bringing Aimee out of her thoughts.

Aimee shook her head. "No. That's all I needed. Thanks for your help." She turned and left the tent, headed for the forest again.

"Make good choices, doll!" Spot called after her before the tent flap shut.

With a huff, Aimee walked faster. She didn't know where she was going, she just wanted to be away from anyone at the moment. She needed to find a quiet place to stop and have time to herself. She knew that it was growing dark, but she also knew she couldn't go back to Jack. Not yet. Her siblings would be safe with the Lost Boys, so she could spend this time to herself.

As the sun began to set, Aimee continued to make her way through the trees. She noticed that she'd probably left the Brookies' territory by now. She wasn't really sure how big the island was outside of Jack's turf and Spot's turf.

Slowly, Aimee began to come to her senses. She stopped walking. She couldn't survive a night on her own. She had two options: go back to Jack or return to Spot and ask to stay just one night. She liked the latter option better, so she turned around and started walking the way she had come. She didn't know how far it was to get back to the Brookies' camp, but she did her best to retrace her steps until she could at least get to their terrority. Once she got there, she could find someone to guide her.

The forest grew dark quickly, and Aimee's anxiety grew with it. She should be back near the camp by now. Why hadn't she seen or heard any of the Brookies yet? The sounds of the jungle at night began to grow louder. All she heard was the noise of insects chirping and the occasional creature in the trees. She didn't want to see what was out there.

When it seemed like all hope was lost, Aimee heard a rustling near a tree that was easily distinguished as footsteps. With a relieved sigh, Aimee turned towards the noise and saw a figure holding a lantern.

"Thank goodness," she said under her breath, then she spoke normally. "Could you take me back to Spot? I think I got lost."

"Spot? You mean Spot Conlon?" The person answered, but they spoke with a hint of malice. "I believe you're far from her pathetic camp now." The person stepped closer to Aimee, and she stepped back in shock. It was a young redheaded woman, around her own age. Though Aimee had never seen her in person before, she instantly recognized her as the girl Jack had drawn countless times.

"Katherine?" Aimee breathed.

Katherine tilted her head slightly and leaned towards Aimee, the light illuminating several small scars on her face. "You've heard of me? I shouldn't be surprised, I guess." She stood up straighter. "Bunsen!" She called into the forest. A short, bald man stepped forward out of the darkness, also carrying a lantern. With this new light, Aimee noticed that Katherine was wearing a tricorn hat. She had a sword strapped to her waist. She was a pirate.

"Yes?" Bunsen replied. He had a nervous air about him.

Katherine never took her eyes off Aimee. "Why don't we escort our new friend back home? I have a feeling she has a very good reason for being here. And while we're at it, we can introduce her to Father."

Bunsen nodded, and two more men stepped out of the shadows. They grabbed Aimee before she even realized what was happening, and they began hauling her through the trees. Aimee could only guess that their destination was the pirate ship.

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