chapter fourteen

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Finally, Aimee heard Katherine's boots on the stairs once again. However, this time she wasn't alone. There was a crew member with her, the same man who had brought Aimee down to the brig in the first place.

"Come on, darling. Time to meet the captain," Katherine said, pulling a key out and unlocking the cell door. She stepped aside, and the man with her grabbed Aimee. He dragged her out and began to haul her up the stairs. Aimee just went along with them, knowing she wouldn't be able to escape.

She was taken above deck and to the other side of the ship. They brought her up another small set of stairs, then through a door back into the ship. This side of the ship was the complete opposite of the brig. It was clean, and there was light. Things were orderly, and for once it didn't smell like death.

Katherine caught Aimee looking around. "Welcome to the captain's quarters. Quite different from the brig, isn't it?" She stopped at a door and turned to Aimee, saying nothing. She disappeared inside the room. Aimee stood outside with the man in awkward silence. She didn't like the way he was looking at her or the way that he smelled.

After what seemed like an eternity, Katherine reappeared. "Come on in." The man brought Aimee inside, then promptly left to stand outside the door. Aimee rubbed her wrists where he had been holding her as she looked around. There was an ornate window at the back of the room. In front of it stood a large, oak desk covered in papers and writing tools. Behind the desk sat a man that Aimee could only assume was Katherine's father, the captain.

When Aimee entered the room, the captain looked at her with a smile not unlike the smiles Katherine had been giving her. "Ah, so you're the girl my daughter has been speaking of." He stood up and left the desk to stand in front of Aimee. He towered over her, since he seemed to be a foot taller than her. "What is your name, young lady?"

"Aimee Chapelle," she replied, holding her chin high and refusing to look anything but confident and defiant.

"Well, Aimee Chapelle, I'm Captain Joseph Pulizer. It's a pleasure to meet you," he said formally. His civility only made Aimee dislike him more. He had an air of fake kindness. Aimee didn't respond, and Pulitzer only chuckled with amusement. "And you said that Jack Kelly brought her here, right, dear?" Pulitzer turned to look at Katherine.

Aimee glanced at Katherine as her father spoke. At the mention of Jack's name, Aimee caught a quick, hurt look across her face. In a split second, Katherine had recovered her emotionless demeanor. "Yes," Katherine answered finally, her voice much quieter than before.

Pulitzer nodded, sizing Aimee up before returning to his desk. "This could prove useful to make sure he leaves the island once and for all." He glanced at Katherine with a small, menacing smile. The words combined with that look caused chills to go down Aimee's spine as she imagined what he could have planned. Once again, Aimee glanced at Katherine. This time, she looked a bit unsure. Aimee didn't know what she was unsure of, however.

"Why do you want to get rid of him?" Aimee asked after a moment.

Pulitzer turned his attention back to Aimee, picking his words carefully. "Anyone who meddles in my family affairs eventually gets what's coming to them," he said simply, not adding anything else, leavingAimee to wonder what in the world Jack could have done to Pulitzer to make them mortal enemies.

In all the stories she had read about Neverland, the pirate captain--whether it was Pulitzer or some other name--was missing a hand. In the stories, Jack had cut off the captain's hand. However, that must have just been fiction. Pulitzer had both hands and no hook, so something else must have happened.

After a very long moment, Pulitzer nodded. "She can go back to the brig."

Katherine blinked. "That's it? That's all you wanted to know? What about how long she's been here? Or how much of the island she's seen? Or-"

Pulitzer cut her off by a wave of his hand. "Take her back to the brig. Then you and I will have a talk."

Katherine huffed in frustration and grabbed Aimee by the arm, pulling her out of the room. She shoved her into the custody of the man waiting outside. "Take her back," she said shortly before going back into the room.

Without a word, the man took her straight back to the cell. Coming back was worse than arriving, since Aimee knew what to expect. She did not want to be stuck back in the dark room. But she had no choice. The only thing she could do now is wait. Wait for either someone to come rescue her, a chance to escape, or for her sentence as prisoner to be inevitably carried out.

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