Ch. 2 - What... XD?

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You were getting even more worried, your screen flashed green again and the words got bigger "Come with me" it read in bigger font and closer to the screen, you tried moving your mouse to get rid of it, nothing. So you decided to see if your touch screen worked, that's when a hand with black tipped fingers came through the screen and grabbed your arm firmly amd tightly, "HELP! PLEASE SOMEONE!" you tried yelling, but before you knew it, you were dragged into your computer's screen

~*Small time skip*~

You woke up and looked up, all you saw was a sky with cubed clouds. You looked over and saw your book next to you opened to the page about DreamXD, you sat up and grabbed it, in green underlines was the sentance "He's able to go to different dimensions, and pull people through them to where he is" Your eyes widened, did he really take you of all people to Minecraft?!

You looked up and saw 2 people headed your way, one looked to be 9 feet tall and black white, the other looked shorter, a green shirt with their hair covering their eyes, you grabbed the book and crawled quieckly and ran over and hid behind a board sign for the Eggpire

"They didn't see me... phew" you thought your yourself, a shadow then emerged on the board, you slowly turned around "Hello kid, never seen you around, don't even think I invited you" Dream... I'm in the DreamSMP great "Uhm... names Y/N and I have no idea why I'm here" you spoke up "Minecraft user?" He asked you "Uhh... [Minecraft User]" you said

(If you don't have an MC acc make one up ig)

He nodded "Did... a hand with black finger tips drag you here?" He asked, your eyes widened a bit "Uhm... how'd you know?" You asked Dream "Well, that'd be DreamXD, he's the God of this server" he looked down to your book "As I see you already knew that" he looked back up into your eyes it seemed from behind his mask "Follow me, I know where he is, usually he takes care of the people he drags into this place, he hasn't done it in a while so... I don't know"

You nodded and he started walking off, you followed behind him "Why would he bring me here of all people?" You asked "I don't know, he does sometimes just for fun, but this time I don't know" Dream responded

After a bit of walking we ended up at a stair case that lead to a cluster of clouds that didn't seem to move "Up there, I'll be down here waiting for you to come down if you do" he said. You gulped and started walking up the stairs and hugging your book

Some time passed and you finally made it to the top, you sat on the floor after the last stair case, it was all made out of marble once past the clouds, you stood from your break and walked up to tall wooden doors, you hesitated to knock on them but soon enough you did "Come in!" Said an echoy voice

You opened the door and stepped inside, it was really beautiful and white, all made out of marble and contrasted with green and gold, you looked down the long hall and saw DreamXD sat on his throne

You started walking down to him "Welcome! I see Dream found you and sent you to me?" He said, he sounded nice... but the way the book described him he didn't seem that way, but he was "Uh... yeah" you finally made up to the throne, it looked large from far away, but in reality it was the size for a regular person

"Welcome to my castle! Uh, I hope I didn't scare you bringing you here!" He said and stepped onto the floor, he was deffinetly taller than you "Heh, sorry for the height difference" he changed his height to about yours "I'm DreamXD as you know, and yours is?" He asked, you were quiet a moment "Names Y/N... Y/N L/N" you said, he nodded

"Nice to meet you! Uh.. you're probably wondering why I brought you here, cuz uh, I have no reason either" he laighed a bit "But... firstly, would you like anything?" He asked "A-Anything... like, just anything I can think of?" You said, he nodded "Anything that mind of yours of can think of!" It looked as if he smiled, you smiled as well "I'm gonna not be greedy on this one and uh... maybe a book just all about you" you said "R-Really? Just about me?" He asked with a little confused, you nodder eagerly "Anything and everything about you!" You said, he nodded slowly and created a circle in the air and puller a book out of it, he handed it to you and you took it "Wow..." you said quielty "Is it not the right book? I can find a different one-" "No no, this is... perfect" you smiled and looked up at him, out of no where you hugged him "Thanks!" He was a bit startled, but he took it and hugged back, you realized you did this and released from the hug "So sorry! I just am really happy" you said, he shook his head "It's alright! I don't get those often, thanks kiddo" he laughed a bit

He sighed from it looked like "I guess uh... your visit would be over? I gave you what you wanted" he said, you looked up at him, you honestly felt bad for him, all alone up here with no one "I mean... I can stay a while, I have nothing really else to do, especially down there" you said, he looked at you and he seemed a bit shocked "Wait, really? Everyone I've met always wanted to go because they got wanted... a-are you sure you want to stay up here a while?-.." he asked, you nodded "It doesn't seem all that bad" you said, the smile on his mask seemed to grow bigger "No way, a mortal wants to stay with me?! And acompany me!" He seemed so happy "You betcha!" You responded and laughed a bit, for his height he picked you up and hugged you as tight he could then set you down "Thank you! I won't he alone anymore!" He seemed to be... too happy

You nodded almost excitedly "So, where would I be staying?" You asked "Right! Terrible host I am, I haven't had anyone here in years so... sorry" he laughed a bit and led you to a door, he opened it and it was wonderful room decorated with wildlife, vines, and a beautiful white bed "You will be staying here!" He said, "Woaahh... this rooms beautiful" you said stepping inside it, he laughed a bit "Yeah... it is, uhm.. I'll be right where you found me if you need me! Cya soom Y/N" he said before leaving and closing the door behind him

You looked around the room at all the plants "Is this my life now...? Must be, if so it's wonderous... and probably amazing" you said to yourself before sitting on the bed and layed down starring up at the ceiling dozing off to sleep within a few seconds

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