Ch. 6 - Planning n' Invasion

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Dream hit his hand against the wooden table "This plan won't work! DreamXD rarely sleeps, so he obviously see us dumbass" he said, Sapnap rolled his eyes "Too bad Dream," he grabbed the paper and crumpled it up thrn threw it to a bin with other crumpled papers, George set another blank paper down of XD's castle "What if we enter from the kids room, I'd say if I go in the front, XD wouldn't be to sus of me because we're... friends and all, and I can use my mushroom spray bottle to put him asleep" George offered, Dream nodded and stood straight from the table "It could work, so whilst your talking to him and knocking him out, me and Sapnap can get in through the kids window and get her down here... that should deffinetly work"

He sighed "And if it doesn't, Dream" Sapnap said "Oh zip it Nick, I bet your plan wouldn't be as useful as Georges, let alone work" Dream said, Sapnap took a deep breath "Fine, but don't come crying to me for a plan when yours doesn't work" he spoke, Dream and George nodded, and then did Sapnap

~*3 days later*~

He, Gogy, and Sap were all getting their stuff reading for the next day to arrive "Sapnap, what're you gonna do if XD gets in and your not ready?" Dream asked him "Tch, I'm sure I'll be ready, let me get infront of you and be the closest to the door and set up my ring if fire and we'll be good to go" Sapnap grabbed an orange and whute bandana and took off his regular white to put that one on "George, are you gonna be ready with dirt to make a shroom?" Dream asked him

George nodded "I obviously can't show you or else it'll plant a mushroom but yes I do as always!" He grabbed a sword "Good," Dream grabbed a pickaxe and an axe "I think it's time we go to the stair case and camp the night on the side of the place, it's 4 days since I told DreamXD to bring Y/N down, and he nor she-" he was cut off "They, you don't know their pronouns" Sapnap chimed in, Dream cleared his throat "He nor they have followed those instruction, and XD probably knows were going to do this and is most likely waiting and watching after Y/N" Dream fixed and finished his sentance

Sapnap grabbed an axe and swung it behind his head "We ready to go? It's about 11pm so we should head up to stairs now, it takes about 20 minutes to get up them take it or leave it" Sapnap said, Dream nodded "Let's get a move on then" Dream stated

~*Small Time Skip*~

Me and the other 2 made it to the stair case "Alright, we got the rope, hooks, slime, sheilds, weopons, we're good" Dream said, "Now let's get a move on" Sapnap started up the stairs first and infront of the 2 and they followed behind him "You think my Mushroom won't break threw the ceiling or will it... cuz if it does it might cause to much weight for the entire building and it might cause it to fall threw the cloud and onto the SMP crushing everything underneath it" George said slightly slowing down on the steps "Gogs it'll be fine, alright? Just don't make the shroom too big and it'll be fine, only have it so it hits the roof not goes through" Dream said, George nodded and picked up the pace again

After a couple minutes we made past the cloud and to the marble flooring "Sap... you go around the side, I'll check the windows" Dream said quietly, Sapnap nodded and went to side of the building and set down their least useful items and their woepons against the wall, Dream looked thriugh the furthest window down and at XD, he seemed to be talking to himself about something but he couldn't tell what because he was in his God form, he went back to the front with the wooden doors "Ok... he's distracted so we might be able to camp here the night" Dream told the 2

George and Dream walked to where Sapnap was with everything and sat down next to him and started talking to eachother


In the heindsight XD wasn't actually talking to himself about anything, in reality he was watching the 3 boys climb his stairs and come up to his castle, he looked towards the room you were staying in and started feeling worried

Do I really have the need to protect them... maybe.. like I said, if it all goes downhill I'll drop it all of a God and a mortal

He thought, then looked back at the floor and it got darker and darker by the minute, he best be perpared for the day ahead of him

(Sorry for the short-ish chapter, I didn't have much in mind, but longer chapters are coming soon!)

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