Ch. 13 - He's Helping Me?

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You stayes focused on trying to fall asleep although the sounds from Sapnap stabbing thread together to make his bandana was annoying, you tried drowning it out, you heard the stabbing sounds stop and looked up, he was directly infront of you now "I can get you out..." Sapnap said quietly, you didn't respond, but Sapnap went behind the chair and started untieing the rope that held you to the chair, Sapnap ripped them off and stood back infront of you and you looked at your wrists, they were red for sure

He held his hand out to you "I can help get XD back... and I can take you back home if you want" Sapnap spoke, you gulped and took his hand, he pulled you forward and you stood "Don't make a sound... and follow me.." he said, you nodded slowly and he started walking, you followed behind slowly, ypu started hearing another voice up ahead. Sapnap made an orange ring and grabbed it, you were confused how it didn't burn him

He stopped at a door and you both listened, there were 2 male voices, they were having a convorsation

What did you mean by Goddess idiot?!

What do you think I meant?! If a Goddess is a women-ish type, wouldn't that mean they're together with a God dumbass

You knew exactly who it was "XD and Dream..." you whispered, Sapnap nodded and went to grab the handle

If you keep lying to me, I'll have no choice but to kill them, and I don't think you'll enjoy that sight

You saw Sapnap hand you something, it was a crossbow, you took it and loaded it careduly, you took a deep breath and turned the door-nob and opened the door as fast as humanly possible and aimed the ring of orange at Dream and you aimed the cross-bow and him as well

"Well well, looks like we have traitor don't we now!" Dream laughed, XD looked as thought tied to chair as well, and drained of power as well as had cuts on his face and arms, Sapnap scoffed at Dream's comment "So what, you only use me and George and the others to do your dirty work" he said

DreamXD looked confused but also pissed at Sapnap, you nodded indicating he was working with you and the other way around, XD nodded back "I suggest you go sweet-tooth, before I kill you both." Dream said and pointed a syth similar to XD's at the both if you, Sapnap stood still a moment, his hand stand twitching. Sapnap's eyes shot open and then his hand blasting a tornado somewhat of fire directly on Dream

You ran under it and went up to XD "What the fuck is Sapnap doing?!" He asked whilst you untied his ropes "Helping, now I know you're most likley drained of power but I know someone who can help!" You said franticaly as he shook his hand getting rid of the lingering pain from the ropes "Y/N! Get to where we first met, and grab the clock on the table, shake it as hard as possible and it should take you to Karl!" Sapnap yelled

He stopped the fire and let the 2 of you pass, you thanked hom and started running down the hall, cross-bow still in hand in case of anyone coming after you, "Why is he helping?! I thought he worked for Dream!" XD said, you nodded and started searching the desk for the clock "Yeah... used to, now be useful or something and make sure Sapnap nor Dream come flying down the hall" you said frantically looking all around, in, and on the desk, he nodded and kept watch "You know, this is my first time getting captured, you seem to know a lot" XD spoke

You forze a second then contiued looking "Yeah... happened at home too with my Dad and all" you said, then spotted a shiny object and grabbed the golden item "The clock!" You said as fire then blasted down the hall and Dream came flying and hit the wall


You ignore them and started shaking the clock as violently as possible, Sapnap come running after you and XD "Shake the clock harder, you're not- HURRRYYY" he said then started getting worried, you shook the clock harder and it admitted a purple-pink glow, he smiled and XD turned to look at Dream "XD DON'T FOCUS ON HIM" Sapnap yelled at him, then he nodded and turned back to you 2 and looked at the clock, it started getting windy

An arrow pearced threw your hand and hit the clock, you fell to your knees from the pain

"Gotcha sweet-tooth"

Dream hissed from behind you, XD turned arouns to Dream, and he had a cross-bow in his hand pointed directly at you, Sapnap took the excess cloth from the table and started bandaging your hand "You're gonne be fine! I'll you out of this!" Sapnap said, trying to get you on your happier mood again, Sapnap still bandaging your hand stood and stepped behind you next to XD "Get away from them!" He said, Dream raised the cross-bow at Sapnap now

"And why should I?"

He sounded a lot more sinister than before, almost like a Demon of some sort

"Y/N... XD has been lying to you... he told me ev-"

"Shut your bloody fucking mouth Dream" you heard a familiar males voice, you looked up and saw Karl and George "Got here on time didn't we?" Karl stepped closer to you, he looked down at you and looked back up "Dream... you betrayed the entire SMP" George spoke up "This is why I never wanted to create you, you back-stabbing bitch" XD said

The room fell silent, Dream starred at XD "What...?" He sounded normal again "Nevermind... never come near us again... got it?" XD said, Dream stayed quiet and stood straight starring at DreamXD, Karl and George helped you up after Sapnap finished bandaging your hand, XD waited until you were away first, and then started walking away from Dream

Why did it end like that idk, I need ideas how to end chapters :'D

Please... these are starting to get worse and worse, save me. Please. AHHHHHH----

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